Final Chapter: Racing To The Edge

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Rain was rapping down on Weiss. The night just grew colder and colder. But she was numb to the storm. She was unsure of where she was going, but she trusted her legs would bring her to her red and black haired partner. She looked at the distant before her, all she saw gray, fog, and trees. The dullness of the world made her think of Ruby's eyes. Ruby's eyes can go from a brilliant silver, to an almost dull gray. Fierceful eyes to scared innocent eyes.

What are they like now? She wondered. I need to be faster! I have to make it!

She ran for what felt like forever in her perspective. She turned directions in her path as soon as a thought flickered in her mind.

Emerald Forest... It's possible that she has gone there!

She projectiled herself forward with a glyph launching herself straight into the forest. It had brought her to a good portion inside of the forest. She was tempted to use her glyphs again, but she had to be weary of the forest knowing that anything could happen at anytime. She also didn't want to risk tiring herself out when she had a friend to save.

Friend? Do I even deserve to call her that?

[Ruby's POV]

She was entering a clearing the deeper she got into the forest. Up ahead laid a path that appeared to be leading to a cliff.

If I am the monster, why am I the one running away?
Who can I, who can I trust that won't push me away?
As I'm trying to make it through,
It's like there's no one to go to

Her mind cried to her.

Ruby.... Came a voice inside of her head, but she ignored it. Ruby.... The voice called her name again. It was a haunting voice and she believed she really was going mad.

"Get out of my head!" Ruby was enraged and came to a stop.

Ruby, is this really what you want to do? Asked the voice inside her head.

"I've made up my mind!"

Mother had given you a task....

"There's no one that needs protecting, especially from me!" She spoke through her teeth as she ran again.

But you saved someone not too long ago...

"She doesn't need me, she hates me!" Ruby began to cry.

Ruby! Came a much more gentle voice, but it wasn't inside of her head. It was almost like the wind was carrying it out to her.

"Mother!?" she asked recognizing the sound.

Seeing you cry was probably one of the things that hurt me the most. You are not a failure, I have failed you! I have failed to make you see and believe that you meant the world to me. You may not believe me now, but I want you to know, I've always loved you. I just never had the chance to say so. Please, don't do this! Her mother's voice then vanished.

[Weiss' POV]

Being inside the forest was making it difficult for Weiss to see, but she had caught the sent of rose as it mixed in with the powerful storm. Tree branches were breaking down, some almost falling on her if it weren't for her reflexes. Heavy wind howled through the forest blowing branches, twigs, leaves and even roses petals that brought Weiss more hope that she would find Ruby. She was grateful that the storm seemed to have scared off the creatures of grimm to their quarters. But why was it raining so hard? She recounted on one point in her life where she was just a child and there was none stop pelting rain for a whole week. She knew for a fact that it isn't seasonal, so is it just random? Those days were dismal, her father and sister and even almost all of Atlas were as grim as the weather, but why? But then she remembered, there had been a war going on at the time, but they had won, yet no one celebrated.

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