Chapter 4

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Ella's pov

Today was the day, the day that I was going to meet my biological mother. Katy. I was starting to get kind of nervous I was going to leave the house in 15 minutes and Aunt Sophie was going to drop me off. I had put on the black skinny jeans and shirt that Sam and I had picked out the other day and I was now heading downstairs to make sure we were all set to leave soon.

"Is it still ok for you to drop me off to see katy in like 10?" I asked Sophie

"Yeah sure hun"

She paused and turned around to look me in the eye "how're you feeling about all of this? Are you sure it's what you want? You don't have to meet her if you don't want to"

I walked over to her sitting opposite her in the lounge her eyes following me as I sat down

"Yeah I'm ok I really want to meet her, I know we've only been talking for a few weeks but I don't know I feel connected to her"

I shuffled round a bit and started fiddling with my hands while I continued

"I just, I know you and Sam are here for me and you're like my family now but it's nice to know that I have 'real' family out there, you know like that I'm related to?"

"Yeah I know what you mean, I can't imagine being in your situation but you're so strong and you made it through the worst so you can make it through anything I'm sure!"

There was awkward silence for a moment and then aunt Sophie stood up

"Let's get going shall we?! Don't want to be late!"

I jumped up from the chair and made sure I had everything before we made our way out of the house and into the car.

We were about 5 minutes away and I was seriously freaking out now, what was I going to say? How was I going to act? What did she have to tell me?! I was trying to stay calm in front of Sophie so that she would worry about me but it was starting to become difficult. She slowed down the car a bit as she searched the street for the right number. She came to a stop outside of a large house with a fancy gate, the kind that you have to put a code to get into. I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to Sophie

"Can I txt you to come get me when I'm done? I don't really know how long I'll be"

"Sure honey, if you need anything at all just give me a call"

She lent over the centre console and gave me a hug whispering 'good luck' into my ear, we let go and I smiled up at her then hopped out of the car shutting the door behind me.

When I got to the gate I tried to figure out how to get in but it seemed to be locked. I walked over to the keypad and pressed the intercom button but nothing happened, i started pressing random buttons. It was becoming rather amusing and a distraction from how nervous I was.

Finally something beeped and the gate started to open, I hesitantly walked in towards the door and waited outside of it not knowing if I should knock or not because she obviously knew I was here.

As I was standing there waiting it just keep hitting me over and over that I was actually meeting my biological mother for the first time, like this was it, as soon as the door opens I will see her and my life will change forever.

The door didn't seem to be opening any time soon so I lightly knocked on it wondering what was going on inside.

I heard someone yell 'come in' so I opened the door and stepped inside, taking my shoes off as I did so. I looked around taking in everything around me, there was a large staircase to my right going upstairs and a closet to my left. In front of me was a hall leading to what looked like a dining/kitchen area. I made my way down the dark brown wooden floor towards the light I could see coming in form the large windows. I must admit it was pretty weird walking into a strangers house, but I was kind of getting excited to see katy.

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