Chapter 6

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Ellas pov

it was nearing the end of katy’s stay here and i was stuck in school when all i wanted to do was spend time with her. we’ve gotten so close in this past week and i don’t know what I’m going to do when she leaves, i don’t want her to leave, i want her to stay here with me but i know thats not an option. She has work and her life back in california. 

Last night katy came over to our house to have dinner so she could meet sophie and sam, it was pretty awkward at first but it turned into a great night. It ended with us all cuddled up in the lounge watching a movie, i loved katys cuddles so much, i feel so protected when I’m in her arms, no one else can make me feel that way. I’m going to miss those cuddles. my eyes started to water but the bell snapped me out of my thoughts before the tear could fall. 

i grabbed the books off my desk and put them into my bag not caring about placing them carefully as i just wanted to get out of school. i walked out of the gates and saw katy’s car waiting for me i got in quickly so she could start driving without anyone noticing it was her. 

i put on my seat belt and put my school bag on the floor. 

katy turned to me and smiled “how was school today?” 

“pretty boring nothing eventful happened, i would have much rather spent the day with you” 

katy sighed “i would have loved to have spent the day with you but education is important, i really want you to get a proper one and I’m so proud of how well you’re doing!” 

i smiled, it meant so much that she was proud of me and her telling me that did give me some extra motivation to stay focused in school. 

we pulled up outside katys house and i undid my seat belt and began to get out of the car but before i could katy placed her hand on my arm and stopped me. She looked kind of nervous.

“what?” i asked completely confused about what was happening 

“ok, um, so you know how i told you that this was my boyfriend john’s house?”


“well he didn’t have anything on in LA so he’s come back here and he’s inside” 

“ok, and you’re telling me this why?”

“i don’t know i just didn’t want you to be caught off guard, i want you to be comfortable”

she paused for a second but i just kept looking at her waiting for her to continue

“i want you to like him” the way she said it was almost like she was scared that i wouldn’t, i was sure i would like him though, from what she’s told me he sounds very kind and caring and like a perfect match for katy. 

“I’m sure ill like him!” i gave her a reassuring smile and continued getting out of the car. 

she got out of the car too and gave a smile back, but i could see through it i knew she was still worried.

She came up beside me and wrapped her left arm around my shoulders as she opened the door and we walked through it. i placed my bag on the floor by the door and slipped my shoes of as katy did the same. 

katy looked over to me while she was placing her shoes in the rack “are you staying for dinner tonight?” 

“yeah, i mean if thats alright with you?” i didn’t want to make her feel like i had to stay for dinner so i thought i better make sure it was ok 

“of course! we might have to go to the supermarket though i don’t know if theres anything here to make” she started laughing “or try to make in my case” 

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