Chapter 8

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ellas pov 

i could hear the sounds of birds chirping and i could feel the sun on my face which was strange because usually i shut my curtains, i opened my eyes and looked around but was i saw was unfamiliar. i rolled over onto my left side and saw Katy lying facedown in the pillow with her hair everywhere and then i remembered. i was in Katy’s house, in California, i felt the excitement that i had had yesterday build back up again, this was going to be the best summer ever! 

i didn’t know if i should wake Katy up or not, it was kind of like when you’re staying over at someones house and you wake up before them but don’t know what to do so you just sit there awkwardly. i really had to pee though so i started getting up off of the bed but the movement must have woken Katy up. she turned her head towards me and smiled. 

“you alright?” 

“yeah, i just need to go to the bathroom. Go back to sleep” i smiled at her and began to walk towards the door to use the bathroom in my room. 

“there’s a bathroom right there you know?” she said with a confused expression on her face 

“i know, i just want to use the one in my room. i have a shy bladder i can’t pee knowing you’re listening” i said laughing 

“alright, come back when you’re done we can talk about what you want to do today!” 

i continued walking out the door and into the room next to katy’s, my room. i still couldn’t believe how amazing it was in here! and that i still did have family. after my parents died i thought i would be on my own, i mean sophie and sam kind of became my family but we aren’t related so it still had something missing. but now i have katy and her family too, i hope i get to meet her family some time. 

i finished in the bathroom and went back into katys room, she had fallen asleep again. i stood up on the bed and started jumping up and down to wake her up she just made a moaning noise into the pillow and i dropped myself down so i was sitting next to her. 

“hay katy?” i asked kind of scared to ask her war i was about to ask but also wanting to know so many answers and now seemed like the perfect time. 

“mmm” she moved onto her side so that see could see me 

“why did you give me up for adoption?” 

katys pov 

i knew this question was coming but i still had hoped that it wouldn’t  i didn’t quite know how to answer it, i mean i knew the answer to the question but i didn’t want her to take it the wrong way and i wanted to make sure she knew that i loved her and it wasn’t anything to do with my career or me not loving her or wanting her. 

i sat up with my back against the head board and looked over at Ella then began talking. 

“when i found out i was pregnant i was so happy and i wanted to share it with everyone, i told the people at the record label and they basically told me that if i didn’t get an abortion that they would drop me. i couldn’t do it, i already loved you so much, so i was an unemployed pregnant 17 year old. it wasnt the best situation, i could barely take care of myself and i knew i definitely could take care of you so i started to research adoption, i wanted what was best for you” 

“but what about your family? couldn’t your parents help you at all?” 

“i never told my parents about you” i paused that kind of came out wrong i looked into her eyes and i could see the sadness 

“why not? were you ashamed?” 

“no! of course not! i just didn’t know how they would react and after the record label i got scared and then by the time i had enough courage it was too late because you were gone and at that point i was ashamed. i was ashamed of myself because i couldn’t take care of you” 

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