t h r e e - j a c o b

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"I'll be home in a minute, okay? I just have to go by the studio to grab a few things. Tell Connor he needs to go take a nap and I will be there when he wakes up, Okay? Thank you." Troye said walking through his local Target.

He honestly didn't think that after his album was announced and out for people to buy he would be running around like a crazy person. This was his dream though, so he didn't complain... at least not everyday. He had refused to grab a cart on the way in cause if he did he would buy ore than what he needs and he needed to get to the studio before Emma throws him out of the window. In a fit to get out of the store he didn't realize that he dropped all of his stuff by running into someone.

"Oh god I so sor- you're Troye Sivan aren't you?" He says stopping mid-way of picking up some of Troye's dropped things.

Troye chuckles, "Yes, I am. You're Jacob right? Jacob Bixenman."

"You-you know who I am?" He says in almost a surprised way.

Troye shrugs. "I see you on my explore page sometimes,  you are a great model."

Jacob blushes. "Thank you, that means a lot coming from you," Jacob pauses. "Would-would you want to go out for coffee sometime?"

"Like-like a date?"

Jacob puts his hands up, "You can call it what you want, but yes like a date." Jacob says smiling.

Troye's smiles diminishes. "No."


"Yeah, look Jacob you look like a sweet guy in all but..." Troye looks around and pulls Jacob to the side. "I already have a boyfriend." 

Jacobs eyes widened as he backed away. "Oh, I'm sorry I-I didn't know."

Troye waves him off. "That's okay, no one does unlike other popular people I don't want my relationship out in the open," Troye takes out a piece of paper and writes his number down. "You seem like a nice guy and I could use some more friends so here," He hand him the slip of paper.

"My number."

Jacobs eyes go wide again. "Your number."

Troye nods, "My number, better keep hold of that don't want it falling into the wrong hands." Troye winks before he heads towards the checkout lane, leaving Jacob in awe.

He just became friends with Troye Sivan but...

he also got rejected.


"You met Jacob Biexnman." Alexis said dropping onto the couch with a bowl of popcorn in her hands.

"So you know him?" Troye said sitting down next to her.

Alexis chuckles. "You don't? He's is probably on my list of guys I would go straight for."

Troye leans in. "Just so we are clear I'm number one on that list."

Alexis scoffs, "Duh. Katie Connor come on downstairs so we can get ready to watch the movie."

The sound of giggles and the padding of footed pajamas filled the downstairs as both of the littles plopped down on the couch next to their respected caregivers. 

"So what move are we watching Lexi?" Connor says leaning across Troye's lap.

"Well..." She began. "I figured we could watch something we all would enjoy and that movie is... Tinker Bell." 

Katie and Connor gasp. "We love that movie!" Connor says. 

"I know love bug that's why I chose it." Alexis says bopping Connor on the nose. 

Alexis presses play as the movie begins to play it's opening credits. Troye could already tell Connor was about to fall asleep by the way he snuggled further into the side of him. Just when he was about to lay his head on Alexis' shoulder, Troye got a text.

Jacob B.

Hey T ( :

Troye shook his head with a smile at the new nickname before turning off his phone and throwing it over to the opposite chair.

Jacob would just have to wait until tomorrow.


sorry it's so short and sorry i uploaded kinda late, i didn't get home until around 1 a.m yesterday and my step dad thought i have a days full of chores to do cause i didn't do anything yesterday ( but i did )

sorry if i bore you with my troubles.

but tell me what you think of the chapter or the story in general, i love hearing it ( :

qotd: what do you think of jacob so far?

aotd: hehe....

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