s i x - s t a y i n

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It was finally calm.

Troye overreacted yesterday when it came to Connor. It wasn't that Connor was being annoying, even though he kinda was, he was more worried about his relationship being outed even further. He shouldn't have let that get in the way of taking into consideration of the needs of his little. 

Which is why today is all about Connor. 

He called off from his meeting and being in the studio to spend the entire day with Connor. Now that he's thought about it he hasn't really done this since he had to babysit Connor when Tyler went out for a day full of meetings. So a year basically. 

"Connie!" Troye calls. 

Connor comes down in a flash, his hair still wet from the bath he had took. "Oh my goodness Daddy, I'm so excited for today! Can we go to the park, no-no the candy store or-." 

Troye laughs, "Breathe baby boy, okay. We can do whatever your little heart desires, just tell me where you want to go first and we will go, okay?" 

"Okay! I want to..." Connor taps his foot as his tongue pokes out from his mouth slightly as he thought of what to do. "Ice cream!" He says jumping up and down. 

"Alright my precious prince," Troye says stretching out his hand for Connor to grasp. "Ice cream it is." 


Why did he suggest this?

It's not that he didn't want to do this for Connor, he did, but what he forgot was is that everyone knows he's in a relationship. 

But not in a cg/l relationship. 

He was going to try and tell Connor that he couldn't act little in public but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Every time Connor looked at him with those big green eyes the thought of telling him just seemed to vanish. 

"Thank you for the ice cream dada," Connor says licking the ice cream. "You even got me sprinkles!" 

Troye looked around. "I told you, you can have anything you want today, but um... could you keep your voice down please? It's just that I don't want to disrupt anyone in here, okay?" 

"Y-yeah s-." 

"Oh my goodness, are you Troye Sivan?" A voice says. 

Troye shut his eyes and sighed. It was only a matter of time before someone noticed him. He turned around and smiled. "The one and only." 

The girl and her friends gasped. "We love you so much, can-can we get a picture?" 

Troye smiles and grabs the phone. "Sure thing..."

The girl smacks herself on the forehead. "Oh! I'm Erica and this is my friend James." She says hopping from side to side. 

Troye smiles, this just might be something he has to get used to. The girl looks over and notices Connor awkwardly eating his ice cream in the corner. "Oh my gosh is this Connor!" The girl, Erica says. 

Connor jumps as Troye's breath catches in his throat. "Yeah, it is." 

This time James jumps in the conversation. "Could we get a picture with him too?" 

Connor finishes off the rest of his ice cream and gets up. He smiles at the two fans, not trusting his voice as he is still in little space. Troye grabs the attention of a stranger and asks if they can take the picture. After that was done Troye handed the phone back to Erica and Troye and Connor hugged them both.

"Thank you guys so much!" James says as the two skipped off. 

Troye and Connor both sat back down in the booth, sighing. Connor looked out the window and down at his feet before looking Troye in the eye. "Is that why you wanted me to keep my voice down daddy?" He says. 

Troye sighed. "Yeah baby boy. It's not that I'm ashamed of you, it's just that the public can be a scary thing far scarier than Jackson and that's not something I want for you." 

Connor sighed. "Can-can we just go home." Connor said his voice cracking on the last bit. 

Troye's heart broke, it pained him to hear Connor sound like that. "Yeah, let's go home."


Instead of the day filled of fun and laughs Troye and Connor both settled on putting on a Disney movie and cuddling on the couch. They were about a half an hour into the animated version of Alice in Wonderland when Connor started to fall asleep. 

By the way Connor tensed up as he slept he was having a nightmare, probably about all the comments and hate he'd get. Troye put and arm, protectively around Connor and pulled him closer. He eased his way into Troye's embrace and cuddled further into him. 

Connor didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve any of this. Troye blamed himself for this. If he didn't give Jacob his damn number he wouldn't have to go thorough this with Connor, they could go back to how it was before. Just as the thought of Jacob popped into his mind his phone vibrated and 'Jacob' came across his phone. 

Jacob B.

I saw your little encounter with fans today, and Connor was in the picture! Going out for a date I see, must've been fun spending it with fans ( :

Troye glared at his phone as he responded. 


This is the last straw Jacob, I'm done playing your little game.

Jacob B.

Whatever you say... daddy ( ;



when all your friends are at homecoming so you just update stories and listen to your spotify. 

early update!!! oh my...

can you blame me though my hands are aching to hit that publish button and when i woke this morning i thought it was sunday so i typed this. 

alright so i gotta question, the question is too long for a qotd (in my opinion) so now that tracob has been confirmed and is officially a thing people have discontinued and stopped writing their tronnor fanfics cause it's dead. don't worry i'm keeping mine, but if i wrote more tronnor fanfics would you read them and if i wrote tracob fanfics would you read those too?

i'm just curious and kinda paranoid, okay? 

oh and for those of you who saw it my "coming out" chapter in alphabet boy. i put it on there cause it's my most popular story and alot of people read that one so i put it there. speaking of alphabet boy, it reached 11k today so thank you for that it's literally insane.

let's get training wheels to 11k, think we can do it. after all, it is the sequel. 

qotd; when's your birthday?

aoth; december 24th

later loves!


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