s e v e n - h i d d e n

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"I'm not saying that I don't enjoy being here with the two of you but, I have a coloring book at home that is calling my name and I would really enjoy coloring it." Katie says as she plops down next to Connor. 

Connor looks at Katie. She's a real sassy person when she's in her normal headspace. "I have to agree with Katie... as sassy as it sounds." 

"Katie you might be in headspace but that doesn't mean you can't get punished." Alexis says raising an eyebrow.

 Katie sighs as she begins to say stuff under her breath. Troye had told Alexis about what Jacob is planning on doing and what Troye's plan was, as much as Alexis hated to agree with it she did. She loves Connor and Katie both and seeing them both sad would make her sad, this is the right thing to do.

"Okay, okay sorry I had to call my manager for something." Troye says jogging down the stairs. 

Katie rolls her eyes. "Great now we can continue, right?"

"Katherine!" Alexis warns.

Katie doesn't say anything else, but crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. Connor again, looks at Katie. She may be sassy but she never acts like this, something must be bothering her.

"So," Troye starts. "Jacob, the guy I met a few weeks back, outed Connor and I's relationship, which Katie I assume you already know this.

"Yeah," Katie says. "But I don't get why we are all here and why you and Lexi look like somebody died.

"Well Kate when Troye and Connor were out the other day two fans stopped them and took a picture with Connor and Troye while Connor was still in little space."

"Wait they didn't hear you call him daddy or anything right?" Katie says turning to Connor. 

"No." Connor said. 

"Yeah but someone did, Jacob." Troye says. 

Katie looks at Connor and then Troye and Alexis. "But I don't get it."

Troye and Alexis look at each other. "Want me to say it or you?" Alexis says look at Troye. Troye nods and mumbles a quiet 'you' before going and sitting next to Connor.

 "Connor you can't act little in public, neither can you Katie."


"I'm sorry what?" Katie says. 

"We don't want you guys to get hurt the public eye is a scary thing and that's not something we want, for either of you. Katie you should know you got outed through social media before by your so-called "friends"." Alexis says. 

"Yeah but I still acted little in public! Look I understand for Troye and Connor because it would hurt Troye's reputation if his fans found out his boyfriend enjoy being babied but me, I've dealt with stuff like this before and just because some dick wants to out Troye because he can't have him, is not my problem." Katie says. 

"Katie I-."

"No, I'm sorry but I love you Alexis but you're asking me to be someone that I'm not. This is part of me, not some switch I can turn on and off when I feel like it or when I need to, you can't control me!" Katie said before covering her mouth.

She shouldn't of said that.

"Katherine Elizabeth Smith, I want you in the car now." Alexis said her voice scarily calm.

Katie whimpered before walking out of the house. Alexis sighed before turning to Troye and Connor. Connor was wrapped around Troye, crying silently. 

"I'm really sorry Connie." Alexis said softly. 

"It's... kay," Connor said taking shaky breaths between each word. "Daddy jus' makin' sure I safe, but can I tells you something?" 


"Don't punish Kitty, I think somethin' making her really sad." Connor said.

Alexis look at Connor before getting up and heading out to her car.


"Daddy,"  Connor said after calming down. "Why people so mean?"

Troye ran his hand through Connor's hair and sighed. "I don't know baby boy." 

"You wanna know what I thinks." He said looking up at his caregiver. 

"What do you think little one?" Troye says.

"I think it's when someone has an ice cream, it's a chocolate chunk swirl in a waffle cone. Someone wants that ice cream but they can't have the one that the person has. So, he makes fun of him and calls him meanie names."

"Like Jacob?" Troye questions.

"Mhm, but he found an even better ice cream one with lots and lots of chocolate, then he forget why he was so mean."

"You're a smart little boy, you know that."

"Yeah, you tell me all the time, silly. Can we go get ice cream, my tummy's growling for it?"

Troye laughs. "How about we get some food in that belly of yours before we get some ice cream, okay?"

Connor giggles. "Okay."


dudes i'm going to see troye in like 11 days. 

but hey, hello, how did you like this chapter? i feel like i'm rushing the plot, am i rushing the plot? 

next chapter is going to be about alexis and katie cause i feel like you guys haven't seen enough of them yet.

life update; i asked my crush the other day "so can like we be a thing or...." and he said that he didn't want to ruin or friendship but i'm in top five people he would go over the friend zone with. which didn't actually make me sad like my friends thought i actually find it cure cause he actually cares about me and our friendship. 

^^ sorry if i bore you with that just thought i'd let yall know. 

qotd: what are you going to be for halloween (if you celebrate it)

aotd: a nerd

later loves!


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