~The Day Everything Changed~

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Mireya was up at dawn, like she was every morning to head to the Armory for her guard training. She is twenty-two and is the only other woman, besides her mother to be in the guard. She arrived at the doors that led into the armory, she closed her eyes, and let out a deep breath and opened the doors. Their were old dwarves, and young dwarves trying on armor, others sharpening swords, axes and other battle weapons. Their were dwarves on the lower level sword fighting, keeping each-other sharp. Mireya walked through the armory to her station and started getting her armor on. Finally she had every piece of armor on and she grabbed her sword and headed over to the lower level to work on her sword fighting. " Mireya, is that you?" A very gruff deep voiced asked her. She turned around to see it was her best-friend Theon.

" Is that a joke?" She said with a snicker. He laughed at her and they hugged.

" What do you say we have ourselves a little duel?" He challenged her with a grin on his face as he put on his Helmet. She smirked back at him holding her helmet in her hand.

" May the best Dwarf win. " She taunted and they went down to the lower level.

"I intend to." He retorted as he followed behind her. As they got in their stances Mireya made the first move by swinging her blade over his head. He came back at her with slamming his blade down on hers. The other dwarves had gathered on the lower level to watch the intense sword fighting of their comrades. Theon had Mireya on the ground on her back with his blade pushing down on hers that was just inches from her throat. " Just say the word and i'll stop. " Theon stated with a snicker.

" Oh, you would like that wouldn't you." She said with, heavy breathing, as she used her knee to flip his body over her head and he landed on the ground on his back. She got up, feeling the sweat coming down her face, she wasted no time swing her blade at Theon as fast as she could as he blocked every single one of her swings. He swung his blade at her lower body making her jump over his blade and that is when she knocked his out of his hand and had her sword pointed at his throat. " Let me know when you want me to stop." She said sarcastically with a grin. He rolled his eyes.

" Okay fine I give up your the best." He said, putting his hands up. The dwarves around them were cheering when they went silent all of a sudden.

" You got some skills their Laddie. " King Thror spoke as he walked through the circle of dwarves. He was followed by his son Thrain and his grandson Thorin. Mireya bowed to the royal family as did the other dwarves. " How about a match between my Grandson and yourself, lets see what you really got?" He proclaimed to the young guard. She nodded holding her sword in front of her. The young Prince couldn't see the girl's face only her piercing green eyes from behind her face protector. He drew his sword. Mireya starred right at the Princes icy looking blue eyes waiting for him to make a move, when he came at her clashing his blade into hers, she pushed his sword off and swung her blade in front of her making him back away as they circled. She twirled at the Prince as their blades hit. The King watched these two intently the Prince stuck his boot out making her fly to the ground. She rolled over onto her back putting her sword in front of her to protect her but the Prince knocked it out of her hand pointing his sword at her heart. She put her hands up for him to stop. He backed off lowering his sword. Mireya got up from the stone cold ground and walked over to pick up her sword.

" Well done my grandson." The King said as he walked over to Thorin and patted him on the back. The King turned to look at the guard. " What's your name Laddie? I could use a fighter like you at the battlement." The King asked. Mireya removed her helmet and the king and Prince gasped when they realized it was a woman.

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