~Friends From The Past~

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" What! What do you mean were leaving?" Runa freaked at her mother, clearly not all to please with her decision.

" Runa I told you. I have to do this. I know you don't understand why now, but when you get older you will. Were leaving tomorrow." Mireya insisted. Her daughter rolled her eyes and went up the stairs to pack what things she had. Mireya stomped over to their dinner table and sat down in the chair and dropped her head against the hard wood hearing a loud thud. She closed her eyes wondering what she was getting herself and her daughter into.

Mireya went up to her room and packed up only a few things. When she walked passed her daughters room; she peered into her room and she was packed and already sleeping in her bed. The woman quietly closed the door and went back to her room. Mireya, didn't sleep very well these nights, ever since she lost her husband. The dwarf sat on the floor of her room and starred at the wooden box before her. It was filled with memories she and Anar had shared together. Taking a deep breath, she opened the box and found the necklace Anar had carved in the shape of a heart for her, symbolizing the love they shared for one another. She had taken it off when he had died, it carried so many memories and she clutched it to her chest as tears fell down her face.

She suddenly had a flashback just weeks before he was killed the two of them were out in the field near a river, relaxing and talking. Mireya had learned that day that she was with child and this news overjoyed Anar. But after the tragic loss of her husband, she found out she lost the child and still till this day she had never told Runa that she could have had a sister or a brother, and it made her even more thankful for the daughter she did have.

The dwarf woman laid on her bed starring at the ceiling above her and finally fell asleep when her eyes got to heavy to keep open. She wondered who all was going on this adventure and if she knew any of them. She would find out soon enough.It was early the next morning Mireya was up and got her daughter up and they left Bree and traveled through the woods to the Shire. " So where exactly are we going again?" Runa asked her mother as she ran to catch up to the older woman's side.

" Were going to the Shire, for a meeting with other Dwarves, and the Wizard you saw yesterday. It's at the Hobbit's house, who apparently is a burglar." Mireya explained as they continued to walk through the forest heading for the Shire.

" I thought Hobbit's were supposed to be peaceful beings? Never heard of one being a burglar." Runa questioned.

" Apparently not" Was Mireya's answer. It was getting nearly nightfall and they finally arrived in the Shire. They continued down the winding path up the hill. " Look for a strange glowing mark. The Wizard said that is the home we enter. " She informed as the two of them searched each door on the hill looking for a strange mark of some kind.

" Mom look. Is that it?" Runa said as she pointed to a yellow door with a glowing mark on it. Mireya could hear shouting coming from inside the home.

" I think so." Mireya agreed. They climbed the few steps to the Hobbits home and knocked on the door. A few minutes had passed and no one had come to open the door. Runa knocked on the door this time only harder. They could hear footsteps coming on the other-side. The door swung open to a bickering Hobbit and he stopped when he saw who was on the other side of the door.

" Yo-your, your women?" The Hobbit stuttered.

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