Chapter 2 Escaping the Horde

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A vibrating sensation filled my body as I abruptly awoke.Rubbing the dust away from my eyes I got up to see the source of my disturbance.Lamina Farkus attacking the barrier must have smelled my blood and mana and hunted me down.

Lamina Farkus were your ordinary wolfs, they had metallic skeletons and had blades sticking out the sides arms and hind legs.They weren't exactly a problem unless they were in a massive horde.I would have focused a little more on hiding my blood and all but I can't look entirely smart to those watching me.Counting only 5 at the cave entranced I started checking the surrounding area with my mana sonar.Counting the 5 there 30 Farkus in total scattered across the mountain.

Best choice to choose would be sending a boulder as a distraction and  jumping straight out.My injuries may be minor but not good enough to fight all those Farkus.Also my mana hasn't restored entirely meaning if I end up in a brawl I'll have no means of escape.

In the midst of my planning, I noticed the barrier started chipping simultaneously. I needed to time this right when it broke, extending my arms and hands I began to chant."Gaea, Mother of Earth I ask thee to unleash thy rath upon my enemy." A boulder ripped out the ground and hovered in the air. I steadied it in front of the barrier waiting for the right moment. Every second my body tensed even more waiting for the perfect chance. The barrier finally cracked dispersing into the air.

The farkus bared their fangs while charging me as I sent the boulder flying and followed out along with it. Making it to the edge I jumped of with all my strength into the air.The cool wind was refreshing as I rapidly descended towards the ground.Well I guess i'm going to die unless I do something. Never really trained in jumping off high places. Wait.....this might work!!!!!!

Extending my arm I began the chant."Mother Gaea I plead you to accept me into your loving armssssssssssssss!!!" I screamed landing into the softened ground dazed from the fall.While recovering I climbed out of the small crator when I felt the rumbling of the farkus' footsteps catching up. Steadly getting up I began running towards the beach through the dense forest.

The farkus caught up and surrounded me on all sides, pouncing at me with there blades. Doing my best to dodge I moved out the way while avoiding trees. Not paying attention I was cut from behind across my back.Trying to recover the farkus took advantage lunging at me in unison cutting my me all over causing me to stumble into an upcoming tree. If this keeps i'll end up getting cuts on the cuts yesterday. Not much I can do at the moment except shield myself began my chant while running."Gaea, I plead you to shield me from oncoming harm  and grant me shelter."

 I kneeling down the earth quickly rose around me forming a dome.Before the dome breaks, I possibly have enough time to gather mana and use one final spell to get away from here.Drawing in mana I felt the vibration of the pounding the dome was receiving as dust fell with each hit.

I had only a couple more seconds until it breaks and I needed only a little more mana for the spell.Just as my time was up the dome stopped shaking and whimpers filled the air.Suddenly it was ice cold and everything went pindrop silent. As the dome receded back in to the earth, a shocking sight surprised me.The farkus bodies layed scattered across the forest floor with ice cicles piercing through them blood frozen as thier carcasses began to freeze over.        

I started shivering and hugged myself for warmth. Getting up I looked around for the mage who did this. Looking around a "hello" from behind startled me.I turned to see a young girl with long dark pink hair and light green eyes.I noticed a Yhuji flower in her hair."Hello, and thank you for saving me.My name is Kharen......Kharen Blade." I replied in a soft tone.

"Really it was no trouble at all. My name Is Yuki Le Blanc," she replied cheerfully."Anyway, I thank you again and hope to see you at school." I said with a smile on my face."I hope to meet you again as well Mr.Blade," she said heading deeper into the forest.Woah she was pretty cute..... Anyway time to head back. A mage has to be on time you know.

I slowly started making my way towards the beach.Making it on to the beach I walked up to the water pulling out my sealing paper.Summoning my boat I hopped inside kicking of to sea.The currents were mostly mellow and smooth. Relaxing in the cool breeze of the ocean I slowly drifted to sleep.

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