Chapter 12 The Hunt Begins. The Prey Become the Predator!!!

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I stretched awakening in the comforting sunlight. I sat up yawning in my spot of the rowboat. I looked over to see Yuki in a meditative stance seemingly to be fast asleep. She's surprisingly cute in her sleep. I thought chuckling as I retrieved some heavily salted fish.

Retrieving from  my shirt I activated a sealing paper as the pentacle detached and landed on the bench I front of me. In a small "poof" an assortment of kitchenware such as a knife, bowls, skewers, and various seasonings appeared. "Sento Kaishi"I said pulling out a pair of esculuain trout. Gently clutching the fish I tossed them  in to the air and swiftly diced it in to thick cubes.They softly fell on to the paper with a thud.

Holding the two skewers in one hand I placed an equal amount of fish on both skewers.  "Now for the seasoning" I gently sang before dashing a bit of all the seasonings over the fish.

"Now slowly roast until the desired color." I said drawing the rune for fire with mana in the air. Holding out my hand I forced a small flame from the rune and put the skewers in to the fire.

"Fu fu fu Is that breakfast I smell? Yuki playfully asked with bright eyes. "Yeah" I said stopping the fire and dispersing the rune. I handed Yuki one of the skewers as she stuffed her face and devoured the fish. "YOU CAN COOK LIKE THIS?" she exclaimed staring in awe.

"I guess you could say I dabble in the art" I replied humbly. I really can't believe someone was so ecstatic about my cooking. I mean the only ones whomever ate it where me and Leonne. When he taught me I didn't think anyone would like it this much......Or do girls just like guys that can cook? Sighing I took a bite of my fish thinking over my thoughts with each chew.

"Hey hey, I bet you wanna hear the mission details now?" Yuki asked jubilantly rocking back and forth. "Enlighten me." I said putting away all the utensils."Okay so basically we have to go hunt down a Alpha farkus. Get a few fangs or a large bone." Yuki said looking towards Skull Island.

The island itself unlike Star Island was more of a rocky landscape with patches of trees. Skull Island is famous for one ,it's higher ranked monsters and two,it's underground levels. Each one different from the other with at least over a hundred species of monsters."Mind me asking who the job is for?" I asked preparing myself to step off the boat. "A blacksmith, his name was........." Yuki paused lost in thought. "Don't fret, I care more about the reward." Which hopefully is enough to cover most of my next weapons upgrade.

With each passing moment the boat edged closer to the island.Smirking at Yuki she met me with asmile of her own. "Our meeting point will be around any noticeable mark where the suns rises."  As soon as the boat kissed the rocky shore we were off and dashing through the mountain terrain. After losing sight of Yuki I made way towards the left eye of Skull Island. Time to get some coin!!!


Hiding in a nearby  patch of trees I surveyed the left eye for any monsters. The eyes of Skull Island are the entrances to it's underground caverns. The right and left both lead to the same level while the nose leads father down. As for what rank monsters I don't know. I'm going in assuming that each floor has a set of ranges.

The eye  was literally a chasm in the ground. Bored  from watching for fear of monsters I casually walked up to it stretching. There wasn't much when  I checked bending over for a closer look. Well except a large ominous darkness with the occasional growls. But i'm a man now, stuff like that can't bother me.Crouching on the edge I tried my best to look further in the darkness to see the real depth.

"Surprise!!!!" Was what I heard as something latched on to my back clutching  my cloak forcing me over in to the chasm."WHY!!!!" I screamed wailing in a wild frenzy as we fell. "You'd better save us or we'll go splat." The innocent voice whispered in my ear.

Regaining composer I summoned my katanna digging it in the side of the chasm roughly braking myself with my feet. Dust kicked up in to the air as well as bits of rock flying in all directions. My quick thinking saved me as I safely skidded to a stop. Wiping away a cold sweat I checked how far away from the ground I was and stared shocked. I was only three feet away from going ""splat"". "Wait who are yo-" Pausing mid sentence I faced the random person on my back. I stared surprised to find my young classmate...

"Antonia.....why are you he-" Being pulled down by my collar we fell with a thud as a huge beast slammed in to where my body just was. "Pretty close huh Kharen" Turning over I dashed away while re-summoning my katanna facing the large brown beast which happened to be a minotaur.

"Antonia can you support me?" I asked getting in to a battle stance. "Sure try not to die though." "Alright hold on tight." The minotaur angrily stared at us glaring with red eyes. It came charging at us and Antonia used  algiz the rune of protection to make a shield to guard it's impact. Taking the opportunity I jumped over it and slashed  with an overhead spin cutting it's torso. Turning to the left I blocked a heavy punch combined with another algiz. The force sent me skidding back a few feet. 

"Nice reflexes. Make an opening so I can electrify him." Antonia said cheerfully. "Got It." I replied with a smirk. I switched out my katanna with my zanbato. With all my strength I threw the zanbato dead-on at the minotaur. Using it's callused black palms it grasped the blade effortlessly, but was to late as lightning struck down electrifying it. The minotaur with burnt brown fur had steam evaporate off it as it fell with a thunderous thud.

Sniffing the air I picked up my boot finding minotaur blood stained in to it. "These were my sexy travel boots...." "Hey Kharen we make a good team huh." Antonia said giggling as I picked her up off my back and sat her down. "Antonia why did you push me off this scary cliff ?" I stared at her with a curious look as she innocently waddled back and forth.

"I was bored. Wanted to have some fun." "That is no excuse for making us almost  go splat." Shen then shoved her finger in my face with a snobbish grin."But we didn't!!!" I just walked off totally ignoring her. "I don't have time for you bye."

Suddenly the air got cold as weird sloshing noises filled the cavern.  "Srcuuuu........"  I turned back and looked at Antonia and saw her performing two runes. Turning back I saw the shield before me shatter as I was sent flying  slamming in to the wall. Shocked I looked up as the creature started stepping in to the light. It had a long frail body with hind legs and long arms. It's head shaped long and edged. It had small yellow slits for eyes and one grotesque wing on it's back.

"Kharen that's a wraith. It's rank four the strongest on this island. It's capable of water magic and has a tough hide. Not only that they can glide with that wing and have good strength." Getting up I brought out my two katannas and began chanting."Oh mighty winds breathe on to me you power granting me your gift of free elegant movement." Once I felt the familiar feeling of my lightness in my body I rapidly dashed towards the wraith raising both blades.

Before I could get close it raises it's arm and water formed around it in to a whip. It swung at me sending me flying to the side wall. Rebounding  I pushed off the wall and tried coming at it from a different side. It's water whip was not allowing me to get close as I pathetically tried to advance. Retreating for now I safely jumped back towards Antonia.

"Hey Kharen if you buy me enough time I might be able to take that think out." Antonia said with a playful tone.Taking my stance I faced the hideous beast ready to go at it head on. Do or die was the situation I was in so I hadn't much choice.

                  "Then what are we waiting for? Let's kill a wraith."

Been a while guys. But schools over and two months of summer bliss. I just wanted to thank you all for  taking  the time out your day to even read my book. If not for you then I wouldn't be where I am now. Also from here on out you can expect weekly updates as along with a few extra chapters to make up for loss time. Much less errors as well *wink*

Thank you yet again for putting up with me XD

~Kharen Blade

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