Little sister

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A shadow walked around in the darkness of New York City. It was a dark and rainy night, the figure was looking around for food and heard crying far off away. He walked towards it slowly, making sure not to be caught by any one. CRASH!! The flash of lighting showed a giant rat, with brown fur o

Rand dark brown eyes with little red sparkles in them. His name was hamato yoshi. He walked closer andp saw a box. In it was a woman and a small baby crying. But the woman was pale and had blue lips, he bent down and touched her softly. She was dead... He gentle took the child in his arms and looked at it. He gasped softly at what he saw. It was a mutant turtle, but a girl. Her eyes seemed gold and bright. A honey type color and specks of silver. She seemed to just be 2 years old. He smiled softly and hugged her close, making the baby smile and laugh. "Hello there little one. I will watch over you, come now." He traveled back to his home in the sewers.

He walked in his home and took the new little one in his room. He put her down and smiled, he slowly started to think of a name for her. Then he thought of Natalia! the perfect name, "sensei, i had a nightmare..." A small voice said. He turned around and saw 1 little 5 year old turtle. He had royal blue eyes, then 3 others walked in. One had bright emerald green eyes, the other with the same eyes as his father and the last had bright sky blue eyes. "My sons, what are you doing past your bed time?" He asked. "Mikey and leo wouldn't stop talkin in there sleep and Donnie was building things again!" The green one said.

He had darkish green skin and a tan plastron with a lightning bolt crack on his right side. He was Raphael hamto. "Well sorry for working! But I need this, I think I'm close to making something that will really work." This one had a lighter shade of green with his fathers eyes and a small gap in his teeth. He was Donatello hamto. Suddenly a splash was heard and everyone looked to see one laughing with one wet. The one laughing had even green skin with bright sky blue eyes and small little freckles. He was Michelangelo hamto. And finally the last one had a bit darker skin then Donnie and Mikey but a bit brighter then Raph. He had royal blue eyes and always seemed to be calm. He was Leonardo hamto.

"Daddy? Who's that?" 5 year old Mikey asked his father as he saw the baby. "That is your new sister my son." This made all the boys go around her and they looked at her. "Awwwww she's cute!" Mikey and Donnie said. "She looks like she could train well, would you tech her sensei?" Raph asked. He nodded and chuckled. Natalia slowly opened her eyes and yawned. When her eyes were looking at her new family she smiled and laughed. "I bet she'll like space hero's!" Leo said smiling big. "What?! No way, I ain't lettin her watch that stupid show!" Raph said. "It's not stupid Raph!!" Leo shouted. "I bet should would like to look at all my inventions." Donnie said. "Nah, she would play games with me and read comics!" Mikey said happily. They boys began to argue but splinter made them stop.

"My sons, I'm sure she will do all theses things. But right now she is only a baby." The boys stood quite intel Leo had a idea. "How about this guys? Me and Mikey can play with her tomorrow then after tomorrow Raph ad Donnie have her? We can switch everyday!" Mikey nodded and did a little thumps up. "That's great!" Donnie smiled showing his little gap. "I'm ok with that." Raph shrugged and said "fine." Leo looked back at his father. "But where she sleep?" They all were stuck on this one.... "She will sleep with you my sons." "Us?" All 4 boys asked in a harmony. "Yes but she must be in the middle so she can stay warm and protected." They nodded and smiled. Raph gently picked her up and they left to there room. (Yes they shared a room when younger) their pillows and blankets where put together and the boys snuggled in close, Raph still holding her. In a matter of seconds the boys were asleep with there new sister.



Hey guys! What do ya think? Good or ok or bad? Please say so in comment box! Thank you and if it's good then I'll make it the best I could and long-ish. Anyways laters! ✌️

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