Wanna build a robot?

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Donnie smiled and lead Natalia around his small lab. "Wanna make a little robot Natalia?" She clapped and laughed. He pulled out some Legos and started to build a little robot. Natalia grabbed some and tried to eat it but Donnie stopped her. "No! Here I'll tech you!" He cleaned them off and like Raph got behind her and started to use her hands to build.

Moments later they had a small little robot. Donnie pulled out a small chip and put it in the robots head and got out a small controller. She waddled towards him and looked at it. "Here..." He turned it on and it slowly moved. "It works!!" He laughed. Natalia started at it and started to go walk to it. So Donnie smirked and played with her by making it go away.


They day was over and everyone ate. "Good nigh Raph, mikey and Donnie!" Leo said. "Night Leo,Mikey and Donnie" Raph said as he yawned and held Natalia close to him. The other two brothers said there goodnight and fell asleep.


A/N hey guys. I know these weren't all that good. :/ but it's done. And the next one will be soon! Well hope ya enjoyed anyways. Laters ✌️

My brothers are tmnt {DISCONTINUED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt