Space heros!!

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It was morning and all 4 four brothers work up. Leo gently placed Natalia on the bed. Once all boys were fully awake Mikey ran over to her but Leo stopped him. "Remember? I get her first!" He picked her up and carefully ran to the main room. With one hand he turned on the show and sat down cross legged. She sat on his lap and looked at the screen. "This is space heros Natalia! The best show ever." He held her and together they watched it.

A bit later on to the show caprine Ryan was firing a laser gun at some space monsters. But one grabs him and roars. "OH NO!!! CAPTAIN RYAN!" Leo gasped. Natalia also gasped and had wide eyes as she watched. He hugged her tightly but kept watching. Then captain Ryan was saved and it was the end. "HES OK!!!" He picked her up and spun. She laughed and smiled. He hugged her and smiled. "Love ya little sis." Then Mikey ran in with a wide smile. "It's my turn Leo." He took her from Leo and ran away laughing holding Natalia.

My brothers are tmnt {DISCONTINUED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt