The Truth can be a lie too

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"Yes master shedder?" A shadow asked as it walked in behind karai. His face was hidden under a black hoodie. He wore a mouth mask and jeans with sneakers. With shaggy red hair, violet purple eyes and dark freckles sprinkled over his cheeks. He bowed slightly when he approached him. "I need your help. The turtles have a little sister and She is very powerful and could help with there demise." He said. The boy straight up and raised a eye brow at him. "how is she powerful?" His voice held Interest as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Deep inside she has powers. She just needs a boost to help her find it. The Kkrang had tried to make her a super mutant and all she was able to get was her powers and quick healing. Her real mother was able to take her and run away. I don't know what happened to her mother but I know hamato yoshi took her in." He continued as he also stood tall. "You will show her the truth." Suddenly an idea popped in his head and he grinned. "Yea master shredder." He bowed again. "Consider her at our side..." He straightened up and left the room....
"Oh she will be ours..."


I slowly woke up from a nap rubbing my eyes and sat up slowly. Once I was up I kicked off the blankets making it fall to the floor into a bundle. "Aww man..." I groaned as I turned my head one way and heard it crack, then did it again. I locked my fingers together and cracked my knuckles and smiled as I felt better. "Mmmmmmm..." I moaned softly, got up and grabbed my mask, tying it on tightly and walked out my room. Everyone was doing what they usually do, so I sat next to Leo and watched space hero's for a few minutes before April ran in.

"GUYS! Some guy came and took Casey! They fought and the guy almost killed him!" She said, her voice shaky. "We have to get him back, please help." We all jumped up and I sneaked a glance at Raph. I saw his face was beyond raged but his eyes were filled with worry and fear. "We'll get him back April!" I said and ran out of the lair towards the surface, knowing behind me my brothers followed quickly. I jumped up the latter and shoved off the lid and pulled my self up. I know I said Casey was a hand full but he's still my friend... And I'll save him.

I'm a hero.


The Hamato family was running among the roofs quickly looking around for Casey. Raph looked towards the left and skidded to a stop. "There!" He said. Everyone had stopped beside him and looked to see a blood trail leading to a storage house. "Oh no.." Natalia whispered softly. They jumped down and Donnie quickly opened the door making Raph run in right away Next Leo, Mikey, Natalia and lastly Donnie, He closed the door and followed slowly. The blood trail seemed to have disappeared, It was dark and ice cold in the room, hanging almost everywhere was cobwebs and bugs crawled around the walls and floor making everyone shudder. "Let's hurry." Leo said. They splinted up and looked around for Casey.

After a couple of minutes no one was having any success. "This sucks..." mikey said to himself as he shoved a large create away and saw the blood trail again going under a door that was hidden by the boxes. "G-Guys! Over here!" They rushed over and followed it yet again but this time into a new room. There in the middle was Casey, tied to a chair with dark bruises and cuts bleeding. "CASEY!" Natalia jumped down and rushed over, she went behind him and started to cut the ropes with a small knife. Her brothers also jumped down and stood by her, looking around feeling someone was watching them. "Hold on case..." A few moments later he was free and feel into her arms. She stood up and Leo took him from her and held him. "Alright, now let's go." Leo ordered and they walked back but the door slammed. "Leaving so soon?" A voice said. They
all turned around and saw a boy.

"Who are you?" Donnie asked. "Your worst nightmare.." Suddenly he was right Infront of Donnie and paunched him hard in the stomach making him fly and hit his shell against a wall, leavening cracks and a hole on it. "DONNIE!" They yelled. Mikey turned around and came face to face with the boy. His dark purple eyes seemed to glow as he showed fangs. "Need a lift?" He asked as he grabbed him and jumped up high in the air and threw Mikey down. Leo, Raph, and Natalia ripped out there weapons and charged at him. But he was able to dodge all the attacks with super speed and he attacked roughly with just his bare hands.

But soon they all were hurt badly. Mikey and Donnie were awake but just barely standing. The hero's knew they couldn't beat this guy, so they were about to throw down a Smoke bomb but The boys eyes turned to pure white and his hands began to glow as well. "Why not stay?" A white aura wrapped it's self around the boys and held them to a wall tightly. "GUYS!" Natalia yelled. She was about to race over but the boy appeared in from of her and tackled her down, pinning her to the ground. She struggled and kicked when her brothers woke up. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Mikey yelled. But he ignored him, "Oh poor poor Natalia.. It must suck having to live such a Lie all your life." He said. She stopped and started at him. "What do you mean?"

He grinned to himself, "you don't know? Well why don't you ask the man you call father?" Natalia growled dangerously and kicked him off. He jumped back and grabbed his stomach with his arm in pain but still had a smirk as he looked at her. "You were adopted into the family... There not your brothers!" She stood up and clenched her fist tightly. "Shut up! Lies!" She yelled. He straightened up, "oh really?" He snapped his fingers and suddenly Natalia gripped her head tightly.


"The one known as the test has been taken by the one called holly, which had taken what belongs to Kkrang!" A droid said as he shot a figure. The figure was a woman who was holding a young baby. She was running away very fast and dodged all of them and soon made it out. But three weeks later she was thin and freezing cold, holding the baby mutant. The baby cried from hunger and pain, but the mother just held it trying to make it calm down. "Shhhhh... H-hush l-l-little baby..." She said. She was pale and her lips a light blue as she was slowly dieing. She kissed the baby's head and laid down in the small box and died...

A shadow had appeared and gently picked up the baby and took it.


"See?" The boy asked. "Your mother had died." Natalia's head was spinning wildly as she felt weak. The boys were trying to call for her and struggle but they couldn't move. Then a dome covered the boys making them go completely mute on the outside, helping the boy. "No..." She whispered. "And they've actually always had hated you..." Her anger boiled as she with super speed tackled him down. "NO! ITS A LIE!" He disappeared for a moment before appearing behind her and threw four notebooks at her, she easily caught them and started to look through the pages. "There journals. All there thoughts about you. How they really hate you.." He trailed on as he smirked. Natalia's eyes slowly widen as she read the pages and her heart had sunken past her stomach to her knees. The writing looked like how the boys actually did write.


My brothers are tmnt {DISCONTINUED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt