My own mask and weapon

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A few years later, the boys were 7 when Natalia was 5. Of course the boys had there knew masks and weapons but Natalia didn't. "My sons. It's time for training!" Splinter commanded. They all ran to the dojo but splinter stopped her. "My dear, you must stay here. Intel your ready you can learn." "But daddy! I'm strong as Raph and smart as Donnie! Please!" She begged. But he again shook his head and she left.


Natalia was watching space hero's and saw her brothers walk out with sweat and breathing a bit heavy. "Dang.. Trainings hard." Mikey said. They all sat by her. "Oh hey Natalia!" Raph said roughing up her hair a bit and smirked. "Hey!" She smacked his hand away. "Can you guys tech me?" She asked. They all took uneasy glances and sighed. "Sorry Nat... Sensei splinter says no.." She groaned and went to her room.

The boys all now had there own rooms since they didn't have nightmares much and liked it. So Natalia had there old room. She sat on her bed and looked at her lava lamp. One day splinter had found it in the swears and gave it to her. She watched it for awhile then a knock came from her door. "Hey Nat! Were gonna play tag! Let's go." It was Mikey. She stood up and opened her door. He smiled widely making her smile and together they left.


Natalia was building another robot with Donnie. "Alright! Let's try it." Donnie smirked. They both put on there goggles and Donnie started it up. It started to move but suddenly started to shake. "Donnie..! I don't think that's suppose to happen!" Natalia said. Donnie moved back and pulled her back. Then it exploded! "DUCK!" Donnie yelled. They dodged the flying pieces and once it was done stood up. "Oh man! We were so close Nat!" He said. She nodded sadly and sighed. "Hey Nat!" They both looked over and saw Raph. "What's up Raph?" Donnie asked. "Splinter wants to see Nat." They looked at each other and shrugged. "Later Donnie." She waved and left to the dojo.

There she walked in and bowed. "Yes daddy?" She looked up. "Natalia. Come.." He led her to the bonsai tree and she sat down. He walked behind her put something on her. "What is it?" He smiled and said "your mask." She gasped and ran to the black tv and saw she had a gold mask. She ran back to the dojo and hugged him. "Thank you! I'm just like my brothers!" She said happily. "Not quit yet..." He pointed and there was lot of different weapons. "Choose one." She ran over and tried many.

After a hour, nothing had seemed to work. But finally she found a 3 way bow staff with a blade. 1 way was together like Donnie's, but can break into 2 smaller pieces and if wanted too, a blade would pop out. "Father! I think I found my first weapon!" Natalia spun it around and started to practice and it worked perfectly. "My daughter. I will tech you as I have your brothers. Training will start tomorrow." Natalia jumped up and down squealing. "YES!! "YES!! THANK YOU!!" She ran out and ran to her brothers.

"Guys! Guys!" All 4 older brothers turned there heads and looked at her. "What's up sis?" Raph asked. "I'm gonna start to train with ya guys!!" They all smiled. "That's great Natalia!" Leo said. "Well let's get to bed. Night guys!" Everyone walked to there room and went to sleep.

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