Taking one for the other team?

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That's what I am to them..? Have I always been a nobody to them?! The people I just called my 'family' aren't real... My real family is dead! And... My whole life... Was a lie..? No! It can't be!! Something in me was aching horribly making me throw the books down and spin around to my so called 'brothers'. "Is it true?!" I asked My voice shaky and filled with rage yet fear and sadness.They didn't answer, just looked at the ground or opened there mouths to say something but quickly shut it again. After a moment I heard a voice say softly, "Natalia..." Leo looked up at me and I gazed deeply in his royal blue eyes.

After a few moments I frowned and turned away from them. "Leave me...." I whispered as I slowly sat down. Knowing this all at once, Just drove me crazy. "Nat.." Suddenly I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I spun around. "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed and out of my palm came a gush of black wind that made him fly back and hit his back on the wall hard. I gasped and pulled my hand to my chest and held it tightly. I looked and saw Mikey there bruised badly.

My eyes widen at the sight. "M-MIKEY!" I yelled. Donnie, Raph and Leo ran over to him and Donnie checked him over. After a few moments he sighed in relief, "He's okay..." Donnie said as he picked him up. I started to shake violently... It's true.. I have powers. Raph turned to me and frowned, I looked at him and his bright green eyes were sad and worried! He never looks like this. I noticed he was watching my body shake and he kennels down still a bit far making eye contact, "Hey.. It's okay.. Natalia." He said. Leo also turned around and slowly walked to me. "Natalia.." THIS IS TO MUCH!! I jumped up and ran away somehow going super fast, ignoring there yells and begs for me to come back and bust through a window, the glass lightly gazing my skin making cuts appear. But I didn't really care. I need to get away from all this! I-I hurt Mikey! I wouldn't even forgive myself if I hurted Leo Raph and Donnie too.


I've been running... That's all I did. I'm sure they stopped following but I don't care. Somehow I feel horrible! I finally stopped at the docks and looked at my hands. I looked over the side at the ocean and stared at my reflection. My eyes were a brighter gold and my hair turned to a slight sliver mix with brown when my mossy green skin turned a bit darker, and my shell turned a pale tan. "What happened to me..?" My fingers lightly touched my cheek as I stared at myself. "This is who you really are.. Your power is wind, gas, super speed and teleporting.. Also ya might be able to do 'shadow' but I'm not sure." A voice said. He stood by my side and right away I noticed he was the same guy before.

I jumped up and growled at him. "YOU!" I held up my hand and he was thrown into the water. He did a black flip and landed on the water perfectly on his feet. "What?" I asked in disbelief. He chuckled and walked back over calmly. "I'm a Kkrang experiment as well. But I got some help to control them and here I am." He walked off the water and stood by me again, I glared at him as he smiled. "I aint gonna hurt you, so calm down. Most people deserve to know the truth. You could have learned it by hurting your 'brothers' on accident and learn later then sooner." I clenched my fist together, "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!! BECAUSE OF YOU I LOST MY FAMILY!" I shot a paunch at his jaw witch he caught easily. "W-wha..?" He smirked and slammed me into a wall making me suck in a sharp breath and hiss in pain. "You seem grumpy! You should take a nap." And with that I suddenly fell asleep.


Donnie had Mikey on his shell as they started home. Leo and Raph were quite, thinking about the fear that Natalia had and how she looked different. They had slight guilt for not telling her, but they all thought it was for the best. They knew she wasn't part of the family when they were born but they still did love her as a sister, but they never knew about her powers. "Master splinter!" Leo yelled into the entrance of the lair. A few moments later he appeared, his eyes widen when he saw his sons and noticed there sister wasn't with them. "LEONARDO! Where is Natalia and what happened?" Leo glanced at Donnie and Raph then turned back to his father. "Donnie, fix up Raph, Mikey and yourself..." He nodded and the three younger brothers left the eldest to explain to there father what happened.


I was carrying the brat in my arms as I walked back to shedders lair. She was heavier then I thought really.. So it sucked. Finally I arrived and kicked the door open. Shedder was sitting on his 'throne' and when he saw me he stood up. "You got her?" I gave him an annoyed look. "No. This is some other mutant turtle girl with the same powers. OF COURSE I GOT HER!" I said sarcastically and annoyed. He glared at me trying to scare me but I just chuckled and used one hand to move my mouth mask and give a smirk. I wear that Because... My fangs are really sharp and scare people so I wear it to calm people down. And so they don't call the cops on me.. "So what do I do now?" I asked. I saw him start to think about what to do with her. I rolled my eyes, and dropped her on the floor with a loud thud! What?! She's heavy!! She jolted up and looked around wildly. "Wha?!" She finally looked up and saw shedder, her eyes widen in fear and she scooted back gasping quietly.

She bumped into my legs and turned her head around, looking up at me and our eyes locked. Suddenly my heart started to race slightly... I could hear my own heard beat loud and quick, missing a few beats. My cheeks slightly burned as I saw her slightly blushing.. I looked away and started to retie my mouth mask on ignoring her. Suddenly I heard a swish of shedders swords come out of his arms. She looked over at him, eyes flashing in fear as she looked at it. "This will be enjoyable.." Shedder walked to her, I could tell he was grinning evily. "WAIT!" I jumped in front of her and stood Infront of her protectively. 'What am I doing?! Why am I standing up for her?!'

He stopped and stared at me angrily. "Get out of the way." He growled. I felt myself let out a wolf growl, as my purple eyes turned black and my fangs grew a little more. "You better back off or I'll tear your suite off and mess up your already ugly face. Actually If I claw it, it may look nicer." I said with a smirk but then frowned again. "You would have to be to be an even bigger idiot to kill her. We could let her control the powers and become one of us! They're way to soft to kill or injury her. It's a win for us.." His glare calmed but he was still slightly growling. I looked down at Natalia, she was angry but somewhat relief. "Very well... You are to take care of her.. Take her to the dungeon." I turned to her, scooped her up in my arms again and started off.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw she was blushing. I slightly chuckled to myself and in less then a minute I put her down in a cell. 'Why am I being so soft?!' I slammed the door shut and started to walk away to my own room. "WAIT!" I heard her yell. I stopped in my tracks and looked over my shoulder. "... W-why..? Why are you doing this to me?!" Her voice was filled with slight anger and sadness. I sighed annoyed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Are you as stupid as shedder..?" I asked coldly, I frowned at the sound of my voice but I don't wanna seem weak but she wouldn't even notice. She didn't respond.. "Tch, You should be grateful that I saved you! And plus It was the only thing I could think of to get him off your back. So suck it up and just listen to me. Next time you might not be lucky that I'll save your sorry behind."

I started to walk away again with a uneasy feeling in my gut. 'Maybe I should have been nicer... I didn't mean to be so annoyed. AH! What is up with me today?! I'm just tired.. Yea! Really tired so I don't know what I'm thinking.' Soon I arrived to my room, took off my shirt and switched my jeans to PJ pants and untied my mouth mask. I passed the mirror and stopped to look at myself. I was pretty strong, six pack, biggish muscles.. I was slightly slender though. I chuckled to myself as I walked over and steeped into my hammock and stare at the sky all night. 'Tomorrow's gonna suck..'

My brothers are tmnt {DISCONTINUED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt