Helping bro's with problems

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WARNING!! Long chapter! Hope ya like!



Man... Being a hero has been hard work. Spike becoming a slash a evil dude, even more mutants, shedder going crazy, splinter almost getting captured... AND CASEY! Man now he's a hand full! Leo and Donnie have been having broken hearts.. I feel sorry for em. It was around 1 in the morning. I heard shuffling from outside my room. I walked out and saw someone. "Hello?" It stopped. It turned to me. I saw royal blue eyes with a small smile... Of course Leo.

"Leo? What's wrong?" I asked. "Can't sleep.." He said. I grabbed his hand and lead him to my room and pulled us on the bed and hugged him. "Then sleep with me bro..." He sighed and hugged me back. I was still awake and soon enough he was asleep. I frowned. He must have been dreaming of karai again... When he can't sleep, it's because of that. So I would make him sleep with me. I remember how he did the same..



*Run little one! WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!* a low voice yelled. A crackle of laughter followed making chills run up Natalia shell. The laugh echoed off the swears walls as did her foot steps. 'Run ahead! Don't look back..' She kept telling her self in her head. Behind her the shadows tried to swallowed her up and seemed to chase her down. She kept looking forward and tried to run faster but it didn't do anything.

She had tears in her eyes as the man chased her, he had taken her brothers and her father. She felt so scared and alone! She kept running, hoping to escape from him. She made a sharp right turn and ran a bit more before stopping due to a dead end. She felt her heart ach from fear and her muscles screaming being so sore. "No.." More tears appeared in her gold eyes as she started to hit the wall hoping it would break and that she could get away.

After a few minutes she knew it wasn't gonna do anything. She fell to her knees as more tears came. The man appeared, he had eyes that seemed as dark as the abyss, his skin so pale it was like snow. He wore a metal suite with a dark cape. On him was Crimson red blood soaking his capes bottom and his sword. He walked to her with a sinister smile ready to kill her. Natalia covered her face with her arms, hoping he would disappear. He laughed again as he slowly inched closer. Her hands covered her ears to block him out but she could still hear him clearly. More tears flowed down her cheeks. 'This is it... I'm gonna die!' She thought. 'Father! Brothers! Help me!' She screamed loud in her mind hoping there spirits would come and save her.

But suddenly he stopped. She moved her hands and looked at him. But he was gone! Instead it showed her dead brothers and father. "No... No... NO!" She raced over to them and gently touched them. "NO!!" She yelled. She sobbed over there deaths and now wished he had killed her too so she could be with her family.

"Natalia!" She heard a voice yell. She stopped and looked around. "H-hel-hello?" She asked. "Natalia!" She stood up as she heard her name again. The person who was calling her somehow gave her comfort.


Natalia shot her eyes open and saw her eldest brother. "L-Leo...?" She asked in disbelief. She hugged him tightly crying into his plastron. "I-I thought th-that scary m-m-man got you!" She said between sobs. Leo hugged her back and whispered. "Natalia, were never gonna leave you.... I Promise."

She nodded Into his chest. "Here. Move over a bit." He said. She let go and moved a bit, Leo sat by her and pulled the cover over the two. "I'll sleep with you." She cuddled close to him hugging her tiger stuff animal. And slowly they fell asleep.


I smiled softly at the dream and opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and saw Leo was still knocked out. I looked at my clock to see it was 6 AM. I slowly got out of bed to not wake him up, turned the alarm off, and went downstairs.

I walked to the lab and saw Donnie awake building something. I learned against the door framed and knock on the wall next behind me. He spun around and saw me. "Hey don..." I said. He flashed a smile, " You can come in!" He said. I walked over and looked at metal head. "Working on him again?" He nodded. "How'd ya sleep..?" I asked. He kept his back to me as he answered, "I slept good! How about you?" I shrugged. "Good yet bad..." I pulled out my goggles and put them over my eyes.

I started to help Donnie and after awhile metal head seemed done. We smiled at each other feeling proud! That's when I noticed Raph passing by. "Hey Donnie, I'm gonna talk to Raph. See ya later?" He nodded and started on another project.

I ran out and saw Raph heading to the kitchen so I followed. I saw him pulling off a piece of leaf. The kind he feed to spike-or slash.. "Hey big bro..." I said. He looked over his shoulder at me. "What do ya want?" He asked his voice a bit icy. I frowned at his tone, and crossed my arms over my chest. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay! Jeez..." I replied just as cold.

He spun around and glared at me. "And why would I need to tell ya how I feel? I ain't like Donnie with his lovey Dovey competition with Casey. And unlike Leo, I don't freak out bout some stupid dreams!" He said. His muscles were tense as he said that. I noticed he wasn't looking at me in the eyes. He looked at the ground as he took in deep breathes to help him relax. I knew he was lying! "Raphael hamato!" I yelled angrily. He looked up at me but not at my eyes again... "Stop actin like ya are so tuff that ya don't feel any emotions!" I growled.

I don't think I told you what I have from each of my brothers... I have Leo's love for space heros and wanting to be a great leader! Raph's temper and stubbornness. Donnie's smarts and building skills. Then Mikey's love of pizza, games, comics and pranks! And my fathers great skills of fighting hand to hand combat and weapons.

Raph growled dangerously at me as he said " That's because I don't.." I narrowed my eyes at him and he did the same, this time he actually looked me in the eyes. We glared at each other scornfully. "Raph... I know you cared about spike a lot... And when he turned to slash and became evil... I know your pain." I said softly as I made my gaze understanding. He rolled his eyes, "Don't pretend that ya know my pain! Ya don't. So back off!" He said sharply.

I wanted to scream at him 'IM JUST TRYING TO CARE FOR YOU!!' But I bit my tounge and thought for a sec. "Fine... Your right... I don't know your pain." I said. He crossed his arms over his chest as he still glared at me. "But that doesn't mean I cant guess what ya felt... Why don't ya tell me? How did ya feel?" I asked. He scoffed, "I don't need to tell you!" Anger inside me boiled hot! I gritted my teeth and said angrily and sadly, "Look Raph! I just want to help you okay?!? Sometimes I can feel all of your pain! And it makes me upset!" I walked towards him and felt my anger rise. "It's like you don't trust me!! I trust you yet you can't trust me?" I felt Raph's betrayer grow as he thought more of slash. "I just want to help... Don't push me out." I said.

Raph looked at me for awhile. "You wanna know how I felt..?" He asked. He took in a deep breath and said, "I feel anger that I was stupid.. I feel sad because of what I did! I feel guilty because of that it was my fault!!" He confuses. "I hate myself because I couldn't save him and because I made him like that!!" I stared at him. Sadness stabbed my heart a bit. He thought it was all his fault when it wasn't! I hugged him tightly and shook my head. "It wasn't your fault Raph... The mutagen made him like that." I felt his body relax slightly. My voice was soft and comforting and I kept going. "Like i said... Sometimes I can feel all of your guys sadness or rage... I feel like I'm helpless that I can't help you..."

After a few moments he sighed and hugged me back. "I just don't wanna look weak... If I don't feel, then I'm strong." He said. WHAT?! He's insane!

"Raph... Having feelings doesn't mean your weak. It shows your strong in many ways.." I let go and looked him in the eyes. They seemed a bit dull... "Bro... I know... I hate feeling stuff too! But it's gonna help me get stronger mentally.. There's always a good side." I putted his shoulder and left to let him think about it.



Hey guys!! I hope you liked the chapter! Vote, comment and share with friends.

My brothers are tmnt {DISCONTINUED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt