Chapter 4

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[Trigger warning]

"Have a good day at school, princess." Gerard smiled and kissed his daughter on the head. "Kay!" She smiled back before walking away from his car and up to the doors of her school. Time for work, Gerard sighed and got back inside of his car.

Gerard didn't have a job that raked in money(as he was told from Lindsey). For Lindsey, $14 an hour working at a local cafe was nothing. He was- after all- assistant manager and the manager was very generous. There was really no need for assistant manager because Harold, the manager, was always here. But, Gerard wasn't complaining. Gerard bit his tongue on several occasions when they had their little spats, as he was the only one working out of the two of them with help from his parents that sent money every two weeks. Maybe that's why she left me too... Gerard thought. Luke was probably a plastic surgeon or something.

Monday morning was always busy. Always. People needed that stimulant from caffeine and sugar from donuts and Gerard gave it to them. Some men and women visited the café/diner so much he knew their names, if they had children, and sometimes he'd ask Mrs. Tilman how her mother was doing. Unfortunately, Gerard, his co worker Mandy, and the manager were the only three available today, and with Gerard being stressed and worried, the bickering and taunts from behind the counter about him moving to slow was driving him crazy.

He gave some middle aged lady her iced latte and turned around to get the man's decaf when he heard, "Caramel frappé, please."

Gerard scoffed and turned back around, sliding the man's decaf across the counter as he smirked at Frank, who was smirking back. "What the hell are you doing here?" Gerard giggled as Frank moved off to the side to let a lady order. He didn't answer until Gerard was making it. "I can't visit my bestfriend at his job? Wow. Okay." Gerard shook his head. "Frank, I don't mind. But you also have a job." "Which I called in sick for."


"Have a nice day." Gerard smiled and handed the lady her coffee. Frank shrugged. "Didn't feel like going today." Gerard glared at him. Thankfully, that lady was the last customer- hopefully for a while. Frank winked because he knew Gerard knew that wasn't the real reason. "Fine. I just wanted to make sure you were okay...functioning properly." Gerard's heart surged. "Thank you. I'm fine." And Gerard knew that he and Frank had both said in their minds, For now.

"When do you get off?"

"Usually 5... but I have to get Mel." "I'll pick her up...if you want. I mean, I know how much you love working." Frank rolled his eyes and Gerard pursed his lips. "Don't say that." He muttered before sighing. "Would you?"

"Of course, buddy! I'm always here to help." Frank made his voice sound like a girl as he reached over to pat Gerard's shoulder. "Gerard! Can you stop conversing and get to work?! Put up more donuts and get ice from the back." Harold ordered as he went back into the kitchen himself. Gerard raised his eyebrows and then left Frank at the counter as he went to do what he was told.

At around 3:30 in the afternoon, Gerard was taking inventory when Mandy hurried in and asked him to "take the order at the front please? I'm gonna piss my fucking pants. Sorry." Gerard set the notebook on a random box and went out to the front only to see Melissa talking to Frank about her day at school. "Hey!" Gerard smiled. "Dad! Frank said he's not my uncle!" Melissa stated rather indignantly.

Gerard gave Frank an exasperated look while he walked around the counter to see them properly. Frank shrugged. "It had to happen sometime. She's fine with it though...she's just playing with you." Frank grinned. Melissa sucked her teeth and poked Frank's arm. "You ruined it!" She hissed, throwing her hair over one shoulder. Gerard just gave the two a weird look before sighing. "How was school?"

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