Chapter 16

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Gerard has just been nothing but a fly in the way of Lindsey's parents. He tries to stay out of the way-he really does- but they're everywhere he goes. He can't help the fact that 4 people are in a 2 bedroom apartment...6 when Frank and Alex come visit. Frank has suggested Gerard get away from them and come over to his house an Gerard always refuses. It's mostly because he's set a goal for himself to not chicken out whenever he hears the words casket, and tombstone, and funeral and others. Melissa doesn't take too kindly to her grandparents and Gerard doesn't mind. Lindsey's parents aren't exactly...nice people.

They constantly nag at Gerard; whether it was lack of cooked food or a jacket slung around the back of the couch, they always found something to reprimand Gerard about. Even Melissa notices how annoying they are and constantly comes up to hug him at random moments of the day. He understands that it's only because of the planning for a funeral, but they could seriously cut him some slack. Right now, Gerard is trying to help them out. While they're in his room discussing the most affordable prices for...something, Gerard has taken it upon himself to call the flower specialist to check up on things.

Frank had texted Gerard to ask how he was and Gerard asked if he could take Mel out with him while they went to the mall. "Daddy, my hair won't stay in the ponytail holder." Melissa rounds the corner with her brown hair scrunched up in one hand and the tie in the other. Gerard beckons her over with his hand. "Yeah, the Peonies. No..." He bends down and expertly(for a man) puts her hair in a good looking ponytail.

"Thank you." She smiles.

"What? The people who are ordering them are my mom and dad in la-what? Why not?!" Gerard exclaims, tripping over the leg of the table to go into the living room where Frank is sitting and talking with Alex. Gerard hasn't had a proper conversation or even a kiss since Lindsey's parents arrived. He doesn't want to do anything around them. They're already kind of mad and annoyed that Gerard 'doesn't care nearly as much as he should about his girlfriend's death.'

He does care. He just doesn't know what to do. How should he know how to prepare a funeral? He doesn't even make enough money to pay rent on time every month. Lindsey never cared about Gerard anyway. At least, not like he cared for her. Still, he feels obligated to do something. Whenever they ask for food, he brings it. He brings water. Towels. Whatever they need.

"I think Mel is putting on her shoes. They're busy right now. I'm just checking up on the order why are you making a big deal over this?" Gerard says into the receiver of his phone, sighing. Both Frank and Alex look up at him. "Hey, Gerard, can I play the Wii?" Alex asks. "Not now, Alex." Frank answers him quietly, shaking his head. Gerard forgot he even owned a Wii. He and Mel haven't played it in a long while.

Lindsey's Dad emerges from the hall and has an angry look on his face. Immediately, he looks st Gerard. "Are you the one that's on the phone with the Flower specialist?"


"Uh...yeah. I-"

"What are you doing calling them? You don't even know what we're getting?"

"I've been listening-"

"Look, can you hang up?" He huffs.

"Can you fucking appreciate his help?" Frank interferes, glaring at the one person in the room he has no idea about. "Excuse me?"

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