Day Out With Ace and Sabo.

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Once Marco and Luffy left for school, you begin to get ready for the mall. Thankfully, Whitebeard let you use the shower. It was truly refreshing washing the skin Shanks had previously kissed and licked. You finally felt clean, completely rid of that man. Although, the pain had yet to fully subside. 

Once you finish up in the shower, you get yourself dressed. Having to borrow one of Sabo's shirts, since yours didn't smell too pleasantly, it would have been a waste of time having a shower if you wore that again. So, here you are, dressed and ready for town, wearing a baggy Adventure Time shirt. At least it's comfy.

"Who's car are we taking?" Sabo asks, earning a guilty glance from his brother. 

"Yours. I have a smashed headlight." The freckled boy answers with an immature chuckle, nervously scratching the back of his head.

"How did you do that, lad?" Whitebeard voices, obviously listening in from afar. Well shit, what can he say? He ran over my English teacher for cheating on me with his own wife? 

"I hit a dog." Ace simply answers, a dark snicker leaving his lips, earning him a punch in the shoulder from Sabo.

Well, that works too.

"Heartless ass! Did you even take it to the vets?!" Sabo grumbles, giving Ace another shoulder-punch.

"Nah, he got up again, he was fine." Great liar, Ace.

"I will call Beckman to come and fix it." Whitebeard voiced once again before making his way into the living room. 

Beckman? Where have I heard that name before.

"I can't believe you hit a dog..." Sabo mutters miserably, a disapproving shake of his head.

"He deserved it. Stupid thing shouldn't be waltzing around like he owns the place!"

For heaven's sake, Ace... 

"HE'S A DOG, HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING!" Sabo yells out, disbelief coating his voice. 

Since you're not the best liar, you just keep quiet. Taking your phone out of your pocket and checking your messages. Most of them being from Shanks, begging for you two to talk about everything but you decide to ignore those. There's also a missed call from Law followed by a text asking if you're okay and a snapchat from Luffy 

Opening the snap, you find a picture of Marco, the blonde seemingly frowning while driving and the caption saying 'Getting a ride to school with a Pineapple!!' with a pineapple emoji. Poor Marco.

"We'll use my car then. And I'm driving!" Sabo's voice pulls your attention from your phone screen, the blonde searching his coat for his car keys. "I won't be running over any dogs." 

"He was fiiine! He got up like nothing ever happened!" Ace retorts, a mischievous smirk gracing his lips.

"How would you know if you didn't take it to the vets? He probably died from shock afterward!" 

Leaving the house, you made your way to Sabo's car. Ace getting in the passenger seat and you in the back. The brothers still bickering about the 'dog'.

On the way there, Ace had caused poor Sabo to jolt three times by suddenly yelling that there's a dog in the road when there wasn't. The raven-haired boy even earned himself a swat around the head from you as well as Sabo. 

Each time Sabo jolted, the car almost swerved. Honestly, you had thought a few times that you were going to die. That karma was coming to you for almost sleeping with a married man.

Teacher!Shanks x Student!Reader x Ace. {One Piece AU}Where stories live. Discover now