Just Another Day.

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With a small sigh you take your seat in your Biology class, next to Sabo, dropping your backpack on the floor and taking out your things. While Sabo leaned over the table to speak to his brother, Ace, who was seated at the table in front of yours.

Resting your palm against your cheek, you listen to the brothers bicker quietly about who would win in a fight between Zoro and Luffy.

"Are you saying our little brother's a weakling, Sabo?" Ace teases, a smirk etched into his features.

"He's not weak but he'll be at a disadvantage since he tends to go easy on his friends. I believe he'll hold back more than Zoro would." Sabo responds, earning a small nod from you. It was true that when it came to play fighting, Luffy was more gentle, whereas Zoro wrestles to kill.

"Did you hear there's a new English teacher starting today?" Nami interrupts the two with an excited grin and stars in her eyes. Poor Ace had to sit next to this fangirl. "I hear he's a hottie!"

"Girls in this stupid school find anyone hot, even Eustass Kid and he's just a bully." You mutter, rolling your eyes and little to your knowledge, earning a glare from Kid who was sat behind you.

"What have I ever done to you, bitch?!" He calls out aggressively from behind you, causing Sabo to look back, glaring at him. Hell, he knew Eustass Kid wasn't necessarily polite but he wasn't too fond of hearing guys call girls such names.

"Probably...Oh, I don't know. Call her a bitch?" Ace chuckles, leaning back in his chair lazily as he fiddles with a small piece of paper.

"P-Please, Kid, can you keep the noise down? I have a headache..." Vivi asks as politely as possible, sweat essentially pouring from her head. The poor girl got seated next to that brute, what a chore.

You decide to turn your attention back to Ace and Sabo to avoid an argument. Mainly for Vivi's benefit more than anyone else's. 

However, when Trafalgar Law comes into class and walks past Eustass Kid to take his seat at the back, the obnoxious redhead sticks out his leg and trips the raven-haired boy, making a few of the class assholes snicker. That irritates you most about Kid, you don't have to do anything for the asshole to bite. If you're quiet, he'll be quick to prey on you.

"Real mature." You snarl, Law smirking at your comment.

"Seems you don't impress everyone with your sense of humor, Eustass-ya." Law mocks a little as he continues to his seat.

"You got some sort of problem with me today?" Kid growls quietly at you as Ms. Nico, your biology teacher enters.

"Yes, many." You mumble back to him before leaning forward, propping your elbows on the desk to signal end of discussion. You hear him mutter 'Bitch' under his breath from behind you but you just shrug it off, it's not like his insults mean anything to you anyway.

"Today you and your partners will be dissecting a frog." Ms. Nico explains as she hands each table a dead frog to work on, a slightly disturbing smile on her face. "You'll also be taking notes and labeling each body part. Let's see if some of you have been studying over the summer."

"Why do we have to do this shit?" Kid grumbles, burying his face in his palm.

 You turn your attention to Luffy and Zoro's table, upon hearing Luffy's bizarre laugh, only to find the boy using the frogs hands as puppet strings, making it's corpse dance. "Shishishi! Look, dancing frog!" He exclaims, a slightly mortified looking Zoro watching from beside him.

Oh, that's just nasty.

Then there's Shachi and Penguin, their eyes more glued to Ms. Nico than the frog. Who can blame them? She is a beautiful woman.

Then there's Law and Usopp, Usopp explaining how he's been studying all summer and still hasn't a clue where to cut so Law just agreeing to be the one who does the incisions. 

Then there's Kid and Vivi, he's obviously going to leave all the work to her while he texts his friends.

You and Sabo usually work well together, he usually gives you subtle pointers if you're screwing up to set you straight and you do the same for him.

Ace and Nami work well together on some things, but when it comes to cutting real organs, she usually leaves that to Ace and stick to labeling. 

You look over to your frog, Sabo already beginning to cut it open, so you watch out of interest. That is until something hits your chair, causing it to jolt and throws Sabo's concentration off so he messes up the incision.

"Ugh, what the hell." You and Sabo both turn around, noticing a big smirk on Kid's face Instantly pissing you off.

"It's fine, [f/n]. Don't bite, that's what he wants." Sabo warns as he turns his attention back to the frog.

"Psh, Pussy." Kid insults, beginning to kick Sabo's chair instead and causing the blonde's eyes to narrow from irritation as he tries to focus.

"Will you grow up?" You mutter to Kid under your breath, turning your attention back to Sabo and quietly apologizing for landing him in the middle of this shit.

"Hey, Pussy." Kid calls to Sabo, loud enough for you both to hear but too quiet for Ms. Nico to hear. "Hey." He calls again, obviously not liking the fact that Sabo ignores him, he begins flipping ripped pieces of paper at the blonde.

"Will you cut it out?" You ask, looking back at the bully. Fully unaware of the fact that Ace's head just did what was close to a 360 degree turn as he shot daggers at Kid. 

"Hey," Ace starts, only to be interrupted by Nami as she screams.

Seems she had accidentally pressed too hard and sliced something she didn't need to slice, resulting in something squirting on her face. Ms. Nico springs out of her chair and rushes to Nami, taking her out of the room and to the girls bathroom.

"I'll be back soon class, continue your work! Ace, I'll give you and Nami a spare frog to dissect when I get back." She informs as he hastily leaves the room, with a hyperventilating Nami, the second the door closes, Ace's eyes shoot back to Kid.

"Keep picking on my brother, Ginger Pubes, and I'll dissect you." He warns with a dark tone, the whole class looking at the two in shock. 

"It's fine," Sabo reassures, a friendly smile on his face. "He's not worth getting mad about." 

You admittedly feel quite guilty that Sabo received the abuse when you were the one provoking Kid. But good thing Ace was there, at least.

"What? Are you two gay or something?" Kid mocks the two, snickering to himself. Well, that is until Ace flings the frog at him, landing it directly on Kid's face and making the guy scream like a little girl as he falls on his ass, the whole class bursting out into laughter.

"Nice landing, Ace!" Luffy exclaims from his table, as he throws his head back, laughing hard at Kid's misfortunes. As Ms. Nico enters the room, Ace swiftly turns innocent, acting as if he didn't even know she was there.

"Are you done playing around with my frog, Kid? I kinda need it back." Ace asks, sending a small smirk to the redhead as Ms. Nico's eyes darken. Obviously, to someone who had just stepped into the room, it looks like he had taken the frog and began to mess with it. And who can blame her for thinking so? It is the type of crap Kid would usually pull. 

"Eustass Kid, put that frog down and go to the principles office." She scolds calmly, pointing to the door. Kid begrudgingly gets up, throwing the frog at Ace but missing before taking his stuff and storming toward the door.

"This lesson sucks anyway!" He mutters as he leaves. Thankfully, the majority of the class said that Kid took the frog and was trying to act clever with it. Except for his friends of course, Killer and Wire who were sat at the far-end of the room, during the incident. 

The class continues with their work. You miraculously manage to finish your work in time, filling in the last label box as the bell rings, signalling next lesson.

Which happens to be English.

Teacher!Shanks x Student!Reader x Ace. {One Piece AU}Where stories live. Discover now