Morning After.

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A loud ringing noise drills into your slumber, forcing you awake, a groan escaping your throat as you stretch out, about to reach out to shut the alarm up. However someone else beats you to it.

That was weird. Wait, that didn't sound like my...

Remembering the events of last night, your eyes spring open, the room before you was blurry but you could still tell it wasn't yours. Was last night real? The arm wrapped around your waist was hinting a yes.

You sit up on the bed, beginning to rub the sleep from your eyes, a pain throbbing in the front of skull. Ugh, a headache. A male's groan reaches your ears, drawing your attention to a sleepy Shanks. The man has his head buried into his pillow, his hair only slightly tousled, he isn't wearing a shirt but he is wearing loose pajama bottoms and his arm still holding your waist tightly. He's so damn cute!

"Sh-Shanks?" You poke the man's cheek gently, another groan escaping his lips as his eyes slowly open, tiredly staring up at you. 

"Oh, morning beautiful. Are you feeling okay?" He murmurs, rolling onto his back and rubbing his face with his palm.

"Just a headache, It'll go away soon." You smile, a blush spreading over your cheeks as you remember last night. 

Oh my Lord. I was drunk out of my mind.

"You need a good breakfast and some water." The redhead chuckles, sitting up and throwing his legs over the edge of the bed. "I'll fix it up for you. You should shower, you smell like my cologne." He suggests giving you a peck on the cheek before standing to his feet. 

His scent is all over me! 

You jump up from his bed, making your way over to the bathroom, you remember where it is due to using the toilet when drinking last night. However, when you got into the room and set your eyes on the shower you were puzzled. 

How do I turn this thing on?

"Uh..." You lean in, pressing the first button that catches your eyes, immediately regretting it when freezing cold water erupts from the shower head and sprays all over you, clothes included, a sharp scream leaving your lips. 

"[F-F/n]?" Shanks calls from the kitchen, you could hear him approaching the door as he spoke. "Are you okay?" 

"HOLY CRAP! THAT'S COLD!" A muffled chuckle can be heard through the wood, causing you to pout. "Can you help me with this thing?" 

"Alright, alright." Shanks opens the bathroom door, reaching a hand in behind the shower curtain to check the temperature as he turns the dial with his free hand, making it go hotter. "How's this?" He smiles, shifting to the side a little so you can reach in, the water temperature feeling bearable this time around.

"Yeah, that'll do~" You beam, beginning to take off your shirt without giving much thought to the company that was still beside you, Shanks' face going as red as his hair as he covers his mouth.

"O-Okay, I'll g-go make your breakfast!" He spurts out, reluctantly leaving the room, you could hear him mutter a 'Damn.' as he closes the door behind him, a smirk spreading across your face as you take off the rest of your clothes and step into the shower. He really does likes me~

By the time you had finished, you had hoped your clothes would be dry but, no such luck. You wrap a towel around your damp, naked body as you step out of the room, making your way to the kitchen. 

"Shanks?" The second you set eyes on the redhead, a smile invades your face. Quickly vanishing when you see he's speaking to someone at the door. That someone being a tall male with tan skin, dark-hair and with a few tattoos...? OH SHIT.  

You back up, swinging behind the wall before he could see you, cold sweat pouring down your face. WHY IS LAW HERE?!

"These are the only bandages I got. They'll do, won't they?"

"Yeah, no problem. Thanks, Red-ya."

"Ha, no worries. Give Rosinante my best!" Shanks hums, the sound of the door closing calming you. 

What's with my luck recently?

You push yourself off the wall, re-entering the kitchen, this time without being greeted by a walking, talking heart attack. A luminous blush filling Shanks' face as his eyes land on your lack of clothing. 

"Hey, breakfast is rea--W-Wow..."

"What did Law want?" You ask cautiously, your eyes drifting to the door. Not even acknowledging the fact that the only thing protecting your body from your English teachers eyes was a towel. 

"Uh...J-Just some bandages." Shanks spits out, his eyes tearing from your figure and up to your face. "Rosinante burnt himself on the stove." The man chuckles, shaking his head typically.  "Law comes to pick up bandages pretty often."

Are you kidding me? 

"Anyway...Not that I don't love how you're dressed but what's the purpose? Are you trying to tempt me?" A smirk spreads across his lips as his eyes trail down your body once again, the blush on his face deepening.

"N-No," You giggle, the way he's observing your body with that blush spreading across his cheeks making you feel more comfortable in your own skin. "My clothes got wet when I turned the shower on, do you have a tumble dryer here?"

"I do." He chuckles, taking your hand and leading you back into his room. "While they're being dried you can wear my dressing gown." He murmurs, picking up and handing you the black, silky clothing. Your face burning up at the thought.

My naked body would be all over his dressing gown? And he doesn't care?

Your mind being so preoccupied, you hadn't even realized Shank move closer to you, his lips trailing over yours softly. "You're so perfect, [f/n]." He murmurs, his hands cupping your cheeks as he stares into your eyes. "You're going to make me lose my mind, you know that?" 

Before you get a chance to reply, his lips crash against yours, his hands running down from your cheeks to your neck, a shiver running up your spine as you gasp against his lips. He takes the opportunity to hungrily shove his tongue into your mouth, your hands running up against his shirtless chest. Your face burning brighter than ever when you feel the towel fall to the ground, the cold air nipping at your exposed body. Crap.

Smirking into the kiss, Shanks pulls you closer, his hands exploring your body, one sliding down to your ass and giving it a teasing squeeze as the other stops at your chest, kneading your breast gently, drawing a soft moan from your lips as you break the kiss.

"Sh-Shanks~" You fail to bite back the moan, the redhead chuckling softly as he releases you. A frown spreading across your blushed face. Tease.

"You're lucky school starts in an hour." He grins, a knot forming in your stomach as he wraps the gown around you. His mouth pausing by your ear as he murmurs. "I'll put your clothes in the dryer, you better put that gown on properly before I call in sick and have my way with you~"

Despite the temptation that was rising in your body, you decide to put the clothing on properly and make your way to your breakfast, that was beginning to get cold. You were dying to sleep with this man or to at least have a quickie. But you have no intention of getting him fired in the process.

It would be much easier to resist if he wasn't so damn handsome.

Teacher!Shanks x Student!Reader x Ace. {One Piece AU}Where stories live. Discover now