Finally (Robbie Kay)

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Written by: Clisenchxntecl on DeviantArt

"So, Y/N. Me and the fans discovered something on the latest episode of Once Upon A Time. This something, is not that noticeable... But it seems like Y/N and Robbie shippers picked this up the first time they heard it." The interviewer teased, and the audience squealed.

"Oh bloody hell, what is it again?" Y/N groaned, while Robbie looked confused as ever.

"You all know how Y/N's character on the show is American."

"Uh... yes...? I trained American accent for a month...?" She trailed nervously.

"And, on the scene where Y/C/N and Peter were kissing and telling each other their I love you's...

"Your accent kinda slipped, Y/N."

The crowd cheered, a never ending cheer. Seems like they all knew this all along, they were waiting for it.

"What do you mean?" Confusion appeared on her face, as Robbie smiled nervously.

"I'm sorry but, Y/N,stop playing innocent for a second and answer this, did you mean that 'I love you'?" The interviewer asked, voice still can be heard through the screaming.

Robbie turned to look at her, nervousness filled his eyes, but tried to mask it with interest on her answer.

Aaaand, she raised her hands as if surrendering and smirked.

"You got me."

The crowd... uhm, can't say if it got louder than the last time?

"Answering your question, yes. It was very, very, very, and surely, damn, real." She looked at Robbie, his face filled with happiness that no one saw before, and also flushed pink.

"ROBBIE! WHAT CAN YOU SAY?" The interviewer practically yelled.

"I already told her." He sighed happily.

"DO WE GET TO SEE A REAL KISS, A KISS FULL OF LOVE AND PASSION, A KISS FROM Y/N AND ROBBIE NOT PETER AND Y/C/N? Well, I actually would die for another PeterY/CN kiss but still- DO WE?" Miss Interviewer is confirmed, a shipper.

"I would love to, again and again." Robbie said, finally planting his lips into yours, as a couple.

The world screamed 'finally'.

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