HVFF Atlanta

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YOU GUYS! I met THE Robbie Kay today AND Jack Coleman! They were insanely sweet to all of their fans. I got a hug and a pat on the head from Robbie (because I'm really short... 4'11 to be exact.) Jack said that he liked my accent (I'm Irish🍀🍀🍀.) Robbie literally had like the perfect hair. I was really giggly and I kept trying to regain my composure. Jack started laughing and said because Rebecca Mader's booth was right beside his and she looked over and said "Deep breaths, deep breathes." Then I told Robbie that I've never met an English person before and he replied with "Oh so am I like an alien to you?" And then he chuckled. Over all, it was a spectacular day! I'm going back tomorrow so expect another update! Oh, did I mention there was this REALLY cool artist there?

 Over all, it was a spectacular day! I'm going back tomorrow so expect another update! Oh, did I mention there was this REALLY cool artist there?

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He did that in front of my eyes! Pure talent if I do say! BTW his name is Rob Prior!

Best Wishes!,


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