Untitled (Peter Pan)

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Written by saharacarly on deviantart  

Also, by untitled I seriously mean the author untitled it 

Also also, the song above has nothing to do with this story, it's just a good song

Also also also, In this imagine, you're a witch, that's wicked right?!

ALSO ALSO ALSO ALSO, if anyone finds the paragraph that says 'geeze' in it, can you post a comment on it so I can edit it, thanks.

"I'll go get some more wood for the fire," you said, rolling your eyes at the lost boys and waving off their teasing. "Careful, love," Peter said, giving you a small smirk, looking in your (e/c) eyes. You smiled at your immortal 'boyfriend' if that was the right word. In your mind, better words came to mind, fate, destiny, but for now you both settled for lover.

    You walked through the dense jungle, picking up some larger pieces of wood. You heard a small commotion close by and started towards it. You peaked through the trees and saw Peter standing there with the Wendy girl, the one he kept locked up. "What the heck?" you whispered, as the only lost girl, you were naturally curious.  "Oh, Peter, I love you so much!" She exclaimed and kissed your Peter. But that wasn't what hurt you, it was the fact that he kissed back, "And I you," he whispered, just loud enough to hear.

    The fire wood in your arms fell to your feet and you ran, your (h/c) hair whipping in the wind. "(Y/N)!" Peter yelled after you, you knew he was following you, but  you also knew he wouldn't catch you, you were the only person on the island that Peter couldn't track. You ran and ran and never stopped. You climbed up a tree near the dark woods and you cried, what the hell were you supposed to do now?

    You used your powers to build a small shelter, you knew the shadows of dark wood wouldn't mess with you, they knew better. You couldn't go back, not now that you ran... It helped that the boys never came near the dark woods, Pete - pan forbid them to. You needed to stop thinking of him as Peter, he was not who you thought he was, he was using you.

    But you just couldn't bring yourself to hate him, the game was in his nature, in his blood, and he was very good at a game that you didn't want to play. You sighed and laid down in the hammock, but it felt alien without Peter's arms around you. You sighed, it was going to be a long night.

    You stayed hidden there for years, avoiding the lost boys, although you most certainly could leave the island, you weren't sure you wanted to. You became closely acquainted with Tinker Bell, and she soon became your only friend. Another day, another decade, what was the difference, you were stuck here because you didn't want to leave.

    You heard voices outside and wasted no time using magic to hide yourself and your hideout. You peaked your head out and saw Tinkerbell with a bunch of other adults, wait, adults!? "If she will help, she'll be up there," Tink said, then you caught sight of one member of the group and unhide your tree house. "Do I hear captain Jones down there? Come crawling back already?" you teased. "Very funny, (Y/N)," he smirked. "Well well, The pirate, the savior, the evil queen, the dark one, and the Charmings, together?" you asked. "It's a bit of a tedious relationship," Hook said. "Who is she?" asked Snow white. "She and Pan were... Involved," Hook says, making a face. "Involved?" Regina asked. "Hehe, it was a tedious relationship," you said. "Anyway it was as in not anymore," you say.

    "Well, I should hope there are no unresolved feelings there," the dark one said, making you grit your teeth. You took a deep breath and extinguished the flames in your hands. "None at all," you said through clenched teeth. "Good," he said with a smile that made you want to punch him. Hook rolled his eyes and patted your back. "I don't like him either," he said. "Yet here you are," you smirked. "With a cute girl," you added. He rolled his eyes.  You walked with the group, praying you didn't run into Pan.

    You trekked through the jungle, putting on a mask and hiding your face, eventually, they did find him, thinking he was Emma's son at the moment. He regarded you curiously, unsure who you were. You scowled at him. "And you are?" he asked. "No one you want to mess with," you snarled. "Hmm, you've got fire, I like fire," he said. You felt your rage flare up. "Is that what you told the Wendy girl, the one you seduced to get what you wanted?" you growled and his eyes widened as you drew back your bow. "You don't get to talk to me, not after what you did to me," you growled. He seemed confused, and the other's in your group seemed pleased. "You don't even remember, do you?" you demanded. He hesitated, "(Y/N)?" he asked and you jerked back with a hiss.

    "You came back?" he asked. "I never left, you just didn't look," you growled, if he really cared, he would have found you. The others on team find Henry seemed confused. You felt the tears come to your eyes. "I loved you, I would have killed for you and you kissed her like we were nothing," you hissed. He looked down ashamed of himself. "I loved you, and you did that to me... To us," you said. "I..." he didn't have an answer. The others had just kinda left you there. "You know what don't even answer I'm done," you say stalking off back into the woods. He ran after you, catching your arm and pulling you to him in a very hot kiss. You gasped in shock and he took the opportunity, his tongue darted in your mouth and you fought the urge to bite it.

    When he pulled back you slapped him hard. "You lost the right to do that," you snarled, stalking off. "You can't just run away from this, (Y/N), you will be mine again!" he called. "Oh yeah, watch me," you snarled. "I was only messing with her!" he called. "And that's what you do!" you yelled, turning back, "you're very good at a game that I don't want to play, you win, because I'm done playing," you said. "This isn't a game!" he yelled. "Everything is a game to you! I... I... don't even know how to explain it! And you're going to kill this kid and take his heart just so you can become freaking invincible, how is that supposed to make me feel? And you're son's here too, you know?!" you yelled, tears starting to flow.

    "I know who's here it's whose not that I care about," he said looking straight at you. "I was going to take his heart because I thought I could bring you back," he said. "That wouldn't have ever brought me back," you say stalking off again. You sat down once you were far enough away and you cried. You were sure he'd been lying. You were so upset. You missed him but geeze could you take it? Sometimes, you didn't think so, sometimes you missed him so bad it physically hurt. You secretly hoped that this time he came after you.

    And that he did. He found you asleep in your tree, tears still streaming down your face. "I'm so sorry... Please forgive me for messing up so badly, (Y/N)," he pleaded. He carried you back to the camp, waiting on you to wake up. When you woke up you immediately realized where you are. He was sitting next to you, asleep. Peter had come... He'd really came this time. You smiled a little and sat up. This woke him and he started babbling. "Look I'm sorry for everything and anything just please don't leave me again, I let the kid go," he begged. You were shocked, Peter Pan never begged anyone for anything. "But what about living forever?" you asked.

    "An eternal life isn't worth anything if I can't spend it with you," he whispered. You wondered if he was lying...  "I missed you so much," he said and he kissed you, soft and sweet. That convinced you and this time you deepened it. No matter what he did, you couldn't help it, you loved him, as Tink would say, he's your true love.

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