Let the Games Begin! (Peter Pan) Part 2

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Written by evilvillianfangirl of DeviantArt

You felt its weight the moment the sun cleared the horizon.

The iridescent glittering chain seemed to scorch your skin, the intricate shell it looped through digging at the base of your throat.

Pan's necklace.

You glanced towards the picturesque sunrise, another savagely beautiful trait that the deceiving island flaunted. The first tinges of baby soft pink wound themselves throughout the blazing orange that seared the middle of the sky, fading gradually into a deep, solid navy which signaled the fleeing comfort of darkness. You inhaled deeply as the following night rushed back to you in flashes.

The horrid crying. The stupid escapade to the beach. Pan's visit. Your deal.

Your heart thudded rapidly as dread slid down your spine. What had you done?

You silently scanned the surrounding jungle, but the only movement you found was that of a frightened rabbit skittering across the clearing. For now, you were alone. But knowing Pan, that wouldn't last long. You breathed deeply, slowing your almost painfully fast heart rate. 'Be logical,' you told yourself. Pan could not harm the others. You had ensured that. They would be safe. But that didn't mean that they wouldn't panic if they knew that he might show up at any time and they wouldn't be able to see him. So, probably best not to tell them. If all went according to plan, they wouldn't know untill he was gone, and you had won the bet.

And you would win. All you had to do was ignore him.

How hard could that truly be?

Exhaling once again, you rose to your feet to make the morning water run. None of you had wanted to live by the stream, considering you were vulnerable to attack. And to the possible crocodiles that plagued the waterways, but no one mentioned that. You headed towards the cleared path, but then thought better of it. If something were to get to you out there, you would want someone from your odd little team to glide to your rescue.

Hook was the closest, so you figured to would tap him and quickly give him the heads up that you were making the morning run.

Big mistake.

Your hand had barely settled on his shoulder before his eyes shot open and his hand came up, grabbing you harshly and whirling so that he had you pinned against the bolder he had been dozing against. His wickedly curved hook hovered dangerously close to your shocked face.

"Hook?" you hissed quietly, still attempting to avoid waking the others. The sleep drained from his eyes, and his pupils dilated with recognition. He stumbled backwards, running a hand through his hair.

"Sorry," he mumbled sluggishly. "It seems I'm a bit on edge recently."

"No problem," you grinned, rotating your slightly bruised shoulder. "That was actually kind off impressive. If we have time later, you have to teach me how to do that."

A smile stole onto his face as he glanced around the clearing briefly, before flicking his chocolate brown eyes back to you. "If you're interested."

"Believe me, I am. Up untill a month ago, I didn't believe any of this, of you- were real. Would you-" you halted. He raised a questioning brow, prompting you to continue. "Couldyouteachmehowtoswordfight?" You blurted in a hushed tone.

"Come again?"

"Could you teach me how to sword fight?" You repeated slowly, checks heating with embarrassment. "I don't know how to. I've always wanted to learn, just so I could pretend to be an actual pirate. But now, I might really need to know how to defend myself."

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