Panic Attack (Robbie Kay)

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Written by Me

You hated it.

You were dragged to a party, a huge party, by your friends. You weren't that much of a people person, but they took you here even though they knew that. You were being backed into a wall by people trying to make a circle or something like that. That's when your heart started pounding and you started to hardcore sweat. 

"I have to get out of here."  you thought as you tried to make your way through the crowd of people. You started to get short of breath and you felt like you were choking on air as you kept making your way threw the ocean where waves of people kept racing toward you. Your friend, Y/F/N stopped you right in front of the door.

"Y/N, where are you going?"

You pushed them aside and ran outside, "Alas, freedom."  you mentally said making your way outside. As you were walking you ran into someone, falling  back. Still being short of breath, you sat on the ground, trying to compose yourself. 

"Are you okay,love?"

You looked up slightly and nodded your head, but that wasn't the truth. You felt the light of day leaving your sight. 

"You're clearly not fine. Are you having a panic attack?"

You nodded your head again, feeling as if you opened your mouth all of the breath in your lungs would be gone.

"Um, I don't think I have anything," he started prowling through his pockets, hastily, "Well have a ZipLoc bag, it had a sandwich in it, if that's okay." I snatched it from his hand and began to breath into it.

After a couple minutes I removed the bag from my face.

"Are you okay now?" he asked clearly concerned. "I guess I'm okay, thanks to you." this guy was attractive and you probably just lost all chances with him, great. His green eyes examined me for a few seconds. 

"I didn't catch your name, love." He suddenly stated after observing me as if I were a museum about the best Starbucks drink out there. "My name is Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N and yours is?" "My name is Robbert Kay, but you can call me Robbie." He gazed over me again. 

"There's a Starbucks down the road, how about we go there and get to know each other better." "Sounds perfect to me."

And that was the start of a wonderful friendship.

This is complete trash... sorry guys!

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