Christmas Special

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 Written by Yann_150316  on Wattpad

Editing in Process

You turn your alarm off and roll out of bed and put on your comfortable slippers and walk down stairs, you've been waiting for this day for a whole year since Christmas only comes once a year. Today you were spending Christmas with your boyfriend Robbie and he's family. "Good morning mum and merry Christmas!" I say rubbing my eyes "good morning love!" "what smells so nice" I say taking a seat "I made bacon and eggs and French toast with maple syrup, your favorite" my mum says placing the food onto the plate "yummy I'm starving, thanks mum you're the best" I say digging into my food.

I wash my dish and head upstairs, into the shower. Robbie's coming to pick me up in an hour, I'm so excited, this is the first Christmas we're spending with each other. I stumble out of the shower and slip on my adorable Christmas jumper and blow dry my hair while watching my favorite youtubers such as the Suggs, Zoella, and Joe Sugg.

I hear a knock at the door, yay that must be Robbie, I grab Robbie and his mum and sisters presents and walk down stairs and open the door. "Merry Christmas!!" "Merry Christmas love" he says pecking me on the lips "are you ready?" "Yep, let's go" I lock the door behide us and walk towards he's car, I put the presents into the back seat and take a seat beside Robbie.

I get out of the car and Robbie helps me carry the presents. I ring the door bell and he's mum opens the door "merry Christmas Y/N" she says giving me a hug "merry Christmas Mrs. Kay" we walk into the living room and I place the present under the Christmas tree. "Merry Christmas Y/N" he's sister Camilia says walking down the stairs "Merry Christmas!!" I say giving her a hug "Fiona Y/N's here!" Camila yells, Fiona comes rushing down giving me a hug "Merry Christmas!" She says with excitement "Merry Christmas" "who wants to watch Elf?" Robbie suggested "me!!" me Camilla and Fiona says at the same time "I'll get the popcorn" Camila says. I take seat and Robbie puts he's arm around me. Fiona puts the disk into the DVD player and takes a seat beside me and Robbie while we wait for Camilia to come back.

"I love that movie." I say stretching my arms "me too." Camilia says, Robbie raps he's arms around my waist and I sit on he's lap "I wonder what you got me" he says giving me a cheeky smile "you just have to wait till after dinner." I peck him on the lips and help Camilia and Fiona help clean. I walk into the kitchen and place all the dirty dishes in the sink "Y/N can I ask you something?" Fiona says "yeah sure." "Robbie told me before you started dating that he asked you out 2 times and you rejected him twice why?" She asks curiosity "I had just broken up with my boyfriend and I wasn't ready for another relationship" I say honestly "then why did you say yes the 3rd time?" "I guess it felt the time was right" I say smiling at her "he really loves you, he's always so happy around you." Suddenly I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist "what are you two talking about?" Robbie asks curiosity "nothing much, who wants to play a game?" "What game are you thinking about?" Robbie says "any game." "how about we play touch rugby?" Robbie suggested "that's a boys sport." I say playfully punching him in the arm "well it doesn't have to be a boys game if you don't make it a boys game, girls can play it to." "how about we play a game of volleyball?" Camilia suggests "I love that game, I'm in." I say happily "come on that's a girls game." Robbie complaints " I see tons of guys that play volleyball." "fine."

Me and Robbie were on 10 and Camilia and Fiona were on 12, Robbie dives for the ball and misses and lands on top of me "ouch" I say rubbing my head "I'm so sorry babe, are you okay" he says helping me up, Camilia and Fiona come running towards me with a worried look on their face "are you okay" "I'm fine, I'm just exhausted" I say walking into the house, Camilia, Fiona and Robbie follow. I plop onto the couch and put my foot up "who wants ice cream?" Robbie asks "me!!" "I'll get you some, you just stay put". He comes back and hands me the ice cream and takes a seat next to me "Camilia, Fiona what was Robbie like when he was a kid" I say teasingly "he was the funniest kid, he used to dress up as Spider man and run around the house pretending he had powers" I laugh and turn to Robbie "awe how cute I didn't know you had powers" I say jokingly Robbie and Camilia giggle "I bet you did stuff that was crazy when you were a kid" he teases.

We sat there for an hour talking about our childhood and other silly things we did. "What's that smell?" "Smells like dinners almost done, I'm starving" Fiona says, suddenly my stomach growls "same" we giggle. "Dinners ready!" Robbie's mum says "yummy!" We all say at the same time getting up from our seats rushing to the kitchen.

"That was delicious" I say getting up placing my dish in sink "present time!!" Robbie says jumping up and down with excitement. We all rush into the living room and Fiona turns on the stereo, my favorite Christmas song Merry Christmas Everyone comes on and I start singing along " Snow is falling,

All around me,

Children playing,

Having fun.

It's the season,

Love and understanding,

Merry Christmas everyone.

Time for parties and celebration,

People dancing all night long,

Time for presents,

And exchanging kisses,

Time for singing Christmas songs ......."

Everyone surrounds the Christmas tree and Robbie's mum reads out the names on the gifts and hands it to use, my first gift was from Robbie's mum I was so excited to open it, I wonder what's inside?, I wonder what Robbie got me? I think to myself. "OK everyone open your gifts!!" I rip open the wrapping paper and see the most cutest sweater "thank you so much Miss Kay this is adorable, I love it" "your welcome sweetie" "open mine, open mine!!" Robbie says with excitement handing me he's gift, I rip open the wrapper and open up the box, revealing the a beautiful blue necklace "thank you so much" I say giving him a hug and kissing him passionately "here open mine" I say handing him my present, he rips open the rapper and wraps he's arms around me "I love it!!". Last week I spent an hour at the shops wondering what to get Robbie and he's mum, dad and his sisters, I got Robbie a frame with a cute picture of us together and 2 plane tickets to Paris for 3 weeks.

"Thank you so much for having me" I say giving her a hug "your welcome sweetie" "good night, sweet dreams"

"Good night babe" Robbie says kissing me passionately "good night"


Merry Christmas my Darlings🎄

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