Marry Me (Robbie Kay)

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Written by @IAmChole on Wattpad

This was originally a Thomas Sangster imagine that I quickly edited. My apologies for any mistakes.

You sigh and roll over, now lying on your back. One hand comes up to rub at your eyes, clearing them of the sleep, the other reaches out and lands softly on someone's chest. You open your eyes and roll your head to the side, seeing Robbie asleep next to you. The corners of your lips pull up at the peaceful look on his face. He shifts a little and his eyes flutter open, squinting adorably in the dim morning light. He sees you and immediately smiles as he brings his hand up to rest on top of yours on his chest. Fingers intertwine and you just lay there, not saying anything, just simply taking each other in. You feel a chill run up your spine and remember that you are still naked from the night before, a blush forming at the memory of the events. Robert Andrew Kay well and truly did you last night. He smiles at you and pulls you towards him, his heat radiating and surrounding you comfortably. You wrap your arm around his torso and press your nose into his neck, loving the feeling of his hand stroking along your shoulders. You've never felt so relaxed in your life "How're you feeling?"

Robbie asks quietly.
"A bit sore, but that's hardly surprising." you smirk.
He huffs out a laugh squeezes you tighter to him lovingly.
"Sorry, got carried away."
"I know hun, I'm not complaining." you say before pressing a kiss to his neck.
A few minutes pass in silence and you almost begin to drift back to sleep when Robbie brings you back again.
"Marry me."
Your eyes shoot open in shock and you lean on your elbow, looking down at him.
He smiles up at you, "Marry me."
You let out a surprised laugh.
"Are you being serious or is this another one of your jokes? Because I can never tell anymore."
He lifts a hand up and pushes back the hair in your face, smiling bigger at you now.
"I'm being serious. Deadly serious. I want you to marry me."
"You're proposing to me in bed? Swoon." you chuckle and flop back onto your pillow, still giggling a little and smiling big. You hear Robbie let out a short laugh.
"I have a way with the ladies."
He says as he leans half his body on yours, his face buried in your hair. You can practically feel him smiling.
"Wife. I love that word."
He brings his hand up and runs it through your hair, cupping your cheek and kissing the other one.
"Be my wife."
His warm breath hits you as he whispers. You smile and turn your head to meet his sparkling brown eyes, the same eyes you fell in love with when you met him all those years ago. Who would have expected you would run into him randomly on the street? Definitely not you.

"No ring? Cheap, Kay, very cheap indeed."
He smiles at your humour.
"I'll get you a ring eventually, but not unless you say yes. I'm not made of money." he winks.
Now you laugh at his humour.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Of course you have a choice. Although the preferred choice is that you say yes and we get married...." he trails off.
You lean in and place a kiss to his invitingly pink lips.
"Good job the preferred choice is my answer then.His smile is so big you fear it may split his face, and yours matches. He rests a hand on your cheek and kisses you like both your lives depend on it, pouring all that he has into it and you do the same.
When you part he looks at you with pure love and utter admiration, then a little mischief.
"How sore are you exactly?" the cheekiest of all grins spreads across his face.
You laugh.
"Not bad enough that I can't take what you give me, however long it will be this time." you refer to last nights activities, which lasted so long you lost track of time completely.
"I have half a box of condoms left so I'd say a while." he winks at you, shit eating grin littering his face.
You laugh at him and pull him in for another kiss, "Good."

And that's how you got where you are today, sat in the back of a cherry red vintage car adorned with cream wedding ribbons and a chauffer so posh you'd think he had come straight from Downton Abbey. Best of all you had your husband next to you, trying to be funny by continuously covering your face with your veil everytime you lifted it back, you batted his hand away with your bouquet, clearly a desperate attempt at this point as it cost more than any house and were by far the prettiest (and most delicate) flowers you had ever seen.
"Robbie! I swear I will divorce you!"
Your extremely empty threat was brushed off by Robbie's laughter at your expense.
"I'd like to see you try."
"If I kill you and make it look accidental do I get widow money?"
He smiles and grabs your hand, pulling you towards him. He leans in so that his face is so close to yours that he can no longer see your smile, only your glowing happy eyes.
"You're my wife."
You giggle at his ridiculous observation.
"You're my husband."
He smiles huge at this and gives you a soft kiss "You look so beautiful it kinda hurts my heart."
You giggle again.
"I love you Rob, and there's no one else I would ever spend my life with. Just you, only you." you speak so quietly it's almost a whisper, but he hears you.
"Right back at you, wife."
You smile and lift your other hand, running a finger down his cheek and along his jawline.
"Husband. My husband." you say quietly again with a massive smile.
Your eyes meet his and he is smiling back at you, and you kiss him.
"My husband."

Robbie Kay ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now