Let the Games Begin! Pt. 1 (Peter Pan)

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By Evilvillanfangirl on DeviantArt

The wind whipped through your hair and whistled past your ears, your legs pumping furiously as you shot through the thick undergrowth of the forest with ease, leaping soundlessly over dry twigs and gliding between bushes with barely a rustle.

Judging by the slight smile that hovered on your glistening face, no one would have guessed that you were running for your life. But you were doing just that, and you were acutely aware of the slight shivering of the trees behind you, alerting you to your pursuers approach. He ran with purpose and determination, his years of experience here seeming to tip the scales in his favor. His footfalls were heavier than yours, however, and this fact gave you the advantage you needed to escape.

Reaching the patch of briars you had been aiming for, you dove into them, praying that they wernt the poisonous type, and covered your mouth with your hand, forcing you to breath quietly through your nose and slow your racing heartbeat. Just in time, it seemed, as the lost boy skidded into the small clearing just seconds behind you. Pausing, he jerked back the hood that had previously obscured his face, and revealed his tangled, dirty blonde locks.

Ah. Felix.

You should have known. Only Felix could run so quickly, and track with such skill. The only one who bested him was Pan, and, you supposed, Pan had no need to navigate. Since your recent arrival in Neverland, you had learned that Pan was much more than the teenaged boy he first appeared as. How had Hook put it? Oh yes.

He was a bloody demon.

The island flowed through his veins, as much as blood flowed through yours, and the sheer number of party tricks he had stored up his sleeve caused even the great Rumplestilskin to falter. Which was why you were confused to say the least when it was Felix who chased you down after you accomplished the impossible: you stole from Peter Pan. Pan could find and end you with very little trouble, but apparently, watching you and Felix compete was entertaining to him.

Felix shifted, scanning the clearing around him with predatory eyes. You smirked. Time to send him on a wild goose chase. Soundlessly reaching for a nearby pebble, you expertly tossed it over the boy's head, landing it in the undergrowth with a nearly inaudible rustle. He grinned and replaced his hood, darting into the woods opposite you with a malicious twitch of his lips.

After hesitating for a moment to ensure he was gone, you ghosted back towards the campsite where Emma, Snow, Charming, Hook, and Regina all waited for your return. You paused as you reached the edge of said camp, a soft smile stealing onto your face as you examined the odd group within its circle of firelight.

A one handed pirate with killer guy liner, sharpening his hook quietly.

An irritated and anxious ex-queen who paced back and forth nervously.

And finally, a charming prince and his true love, reclining beside their grown blonde daughter, who was studying a blank sheet of paper as if her life depended on it. Which in a way, it did, or at least, the life of her beloved son, Henry.

You cared, in different ways, for all of these people, seeing as Emma had basically adopted you as her little sister long before she had travelled to Storybrooke, Maine. You were not connected to magic or the Enchanted Forest in any way, and still they accepted you as their own. Charming especially seemed to look out for you, you believed it was because of Emma. You were here for the same reason as they were: to save Henry, whom you had quickly grow attached to. Henry considered you his older sister, he had even called you "sis" several times.

And Pan held him prisoner.

Which was why you grinned triumphantly as you steped into the light, clutching your prize within your hand: Pixie dust. "(Y/n)!" Emma cried out, leaping from her seat to pull you into a crushing hug. "Are you ok? Pan didn't hurt you?"

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