Chapter 4 - All the Griffin's Teeth

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Miloxi was currently being held up by a guy who clearly didn't know the value of sardines.

"Ok kid... give me all of your money and no one gets hurt!" the customer said, keeping the gun aimed at his chest. Just as the robber moved the gun's aim to Miloxi's head, Cloud walked up to them.

"Hey, do you guys sell chocolate?" Cloud asked.

"Yeah, but I prefer these," Miloxi said, digging into his pocket. He pulled out a ball of tinfoil.

"I make these for lunch. They're my 'special brownies'!" he exclaimed.

"I'll take 'em," Cloud said.

"Hello! Dude with a gun here," the customer said, waving the gun around.

"Yeah yeah. Keep your panties on. How much for the brownies?" Cloud asked.

"Thirty bucks," Miloxi said.

"What a deal!" Cloud yelled, giving Miloxi the money and taking the 'special brownies'.

"Ok, you know what? I'm just going to blow your head off now!" the robber yelled, firing the gun. Miloxi ducked, barely dodging the bullet. The bullet buried itself into the flat screen TV behind the register. Shade, who was standing near the TV, realized what had happened and walked over.

"Who the hell did it!?" Shade yelled. She looked at Cloud, who was destroying the 'special brownies'. She then glared at Miloxi, who pointed to the convict in front of him. Shade stomped up to the robber and grabbed him by the throat. She then threw him towards her griffin. Her griffin saw almost anything as food. That's right. Shade's griffin ate the man.

"That's better," Shade said, "The air no longer smells like f--ked up morons. I swear Miloxi, the friends you make."

"Hey, I did meet Cloud," Miloxi said, "Oh hey! Before I forget don't eat more than one brownie or..." Miloxi's eyes landed on Cloud. He was rocking back and forth on the floor as Cyndaquil watched.

"...Oh well. Hey Cloud, move over," Miloxi said, shoving Cloud to the side. Miloxi then sat down and rolled into a ball.  He then started to rock back and forth. Cyndaquil did the same. Shade shook her head, Vvio walked up behind her, looking surprised.

"Ob-Obama... can't h-have it," Vvio said. Shade turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong now?" she asked.

"He... w-wants my day... off! H-he can't have it! It's my precious!" Vvio hissed. He then went back to running around the store, yelling "It's mine!" The manager found Shade to tell her some good news.

"Congrats Shade, you have been promoted to customer service manager. Also known as CSM for short," he said.

"Great," Shade said sarcastically. Truth be told, she couldn't care less. Meanwhile, Miloxi and Cloud were rocking back and forth. They were arguing about whether tomatoes were a dessert or ornament. Sadly enough, Cyndaquil was winning by saying nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2012 ⏰

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