Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Nate Erickson

Chapter 7

            It had been about a week since Cody and Omen investigated the cave the first time, soon after which they decided to wait until Omen had built a lot more torches before going in again. They were all completely sure that the cave went on for an extremely long distance, and at that point the old torches had probably gone out anyway. Inferno had stopped using his wings completely, waiting to practice in the cave where there was so much more space than they had ever imagined.

            During this week-long period, Cody had seen neither Omen nor Inferno, nor had they seen him, but the dragon did make it clear to them that he was growing. After much work, Inferno had become capable of speaking to the blacksmith, and was able to tell Cody exactly what he was saying, even though he couldn’t make a mind-link to Omen himself.

             Cody was very excited when he woke up that day, however. It was the day that they had all decided they were to meet again, and explore the caves further. According to what Inferno had told Cody, Omen had made 50 torches, which would require a lot of help getting them to the cave. Inferno insisted that he was large enough to carry two bags with each one carrying 15 torches, but he also desperately wanted to keep his size a surprise until they got to the cavern entrance.

            As a result, Cody was going to have to bring both of his horses, Skeletar and Chase, into town to carry some of the torches. The worst part of it all was that either he or Omen was going to have to ask Aval and Autumn for their three horses to carry about ten torches each because Omen only had one horse, and Cody and Omen were going to have to take turns walking while the other was on the only horse without a large load of metal. Inferno had explained the whole story about that day when he was hurt by Autumn, then got her in return, and after that Omen was willing to ask instead of Cody, and then they would have less suspicion on their shoulders.

            Cody eagerly hopped out of his bed when he remembered all of this, and quickly left the house without as much as a “good morning” to his parents. He hurriedly put on his coat and shoes before bursting through the door and running away towards the stables. He got Skeletar saddled and put on a halter so he could pull the horse behind him, and did the same with Chase, only giving him a bridle instead of a haltar.

            “Are you almost here?” Inferno asked impatiently, making Cody laugh.

            “I’m only just leaving my house for the town; it will be at least a couple hours more. Tell Omen that I’m on my way and I’ll be there soon.”

            There was a pause as Inferno told Omen what he had said, and then replied to Cody, “He says that he is already on the road and making his way slowly with each of the horse carrying a few more torches each. He says that he’ll probably be five hundred feet from the town by the time you get there to help.”

            “Really?” Cody asked as he mounted Chase and began riding. “It was that easy to get the horses from Avalsmokes and Autumn?”

             There was another pause, and then, “Apparently Aval and Autumn didn’t answer the door, it was their mother, and she was more than happy to help out the blacksmith that had to make a delivery to one of the homes on the outskirts of the town.”

            Cody shrugged and continued his riding until, after a half-hour of riding almost as fast as possible, he reached Omen and the horses. The man was walking along, pulling a rope that was attached to Myrtle and Mindy, and another that was attached to Inheritance and Misty. Cody quickly hopped off of his horse and began to help put the hammer, nails, flint, steel, and torch kindling in Chase’s saddle bags.

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