Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Gina Abernathy

Chapter 11

            “Not here,” Icksazro said as he put his hat back on and adjusted it to cover up his strange hair and ears.

            The elf led the way to the back of the tavern, muttered something under his breath, and then opened a door that was very well hidden at the end of the room. They walked inside and he locked the door behind them. Blackscales looked around the room, and noticed three unusual chairs and two smaller stools all together at one side of the room, and a rug, lamp, and small table at the other. Other than that it was completely empty.

            Icksazro sat in one of the chairs, making them all look at it more closely, and Blackscales decided that it could best be described as a small sofa, that seemed as though it might be able to rock like a rocking chair, and it was a weird green and blue color. The elf gestured for them to sit down, and Blackscales chose one of the chairs that were right next to him. Aval and Autumn sat in the stools, while Omen took the other chair.

            “I assume you have many questions,” Icksazro said as he looked around at them, and then leaned back in his chair. “Let me tell you first the full story about where I come into your adventure, Uninterrupted. The elves have been strong supporters of the riders ever since they first came into existence, especially since the first riders were indeed elves. We have lived in forests throughout Semiones, hidden, though our main home is in the mountain range which we elves refer to as ‘Mrana Akano Furista’, or ‘Hidden Mountain Pass’.

            “While I will not share with you now the exact reason why it is named that, you can probably take a fair guess. I lived in that elven kingdom with our queen and the rest of our race, other races that are our allies, Argos, and his rider, whose name shall remain secret for now as well. One day, Argos left us and delivered the egg to you, somehow feeling that the rightful rider of that egg would find it, which evidently happened. Then, we all knew that you would have to take the long journey and probably needed guidance, so the queen and Argos’s rider sent a great many of us, elves and the other races as well, all around the land between here and the Hidden Mountain Pass.

            “We were all told that the rider would be using a fake name, that would be easy enough for us to recognize, and I should say that Argos and his rider made an excellent name for you. Anyway, so all of us that were sent are supposed to give you food and shelter, and try to point you in the right direction. Some of us will also try to train you to be a true rider, but your full training will have to wait until you reach the last true dragon and rider.”

            Blackscales suddenly asked, “So my purpose with them is for them to train me!?”

            Icksazro shot him a harsh look before replying, “I thought I said that there were supposed to be no interruptions, though I’m not very surprised that a rider such as yourself should be so curious; you are a peculiar character.”

            Blackscales and his companions realized that the legends about elves were true; they were jolly, happy people that preferred to keep their identities a secret from everyone except themselves. They were also very skeptical about other races, and some of them thought of themselves as the absolute perfect beings. They probably would be if it weren’t for the select few that were too arrogant. But they were very gentle folk that preferred peace over all other things, but were far too capable of carrying their own weight in battle.

            Icksazro seemed to know what they were thinking, and carried on with his story, “I was sent here about a month ago by Argos’s rider and the queen of my people themselves, and I was supposed to make sure that you had brought appropriate guardians for your journey. While I can honestly say that I am not at all pleased with you choosing a novice swordsman, his unwise bow-handling sister, and a blacksmith who is actually apparently one of the best of your kind physically, I do believe that this is the best you could get from such a small town as where you come from. Now before you interrupt me, I will also keep it a secret as to how we know so much about you.

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