Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Smaug, Just Because I Can :D

 Chapter 13

          Omen, Avalsmokes, and Autumn sat in the saddles on their horses, which Fren apparently did a good job at feeding them, but their short fur was dusty and mangled, making the riders reluctant to put on their saddles in the first place. Blackscales was on the black leather saddle on Inferno’s neck, and they were all with Icksazro in the clearing near the town.

            Icksazro walked around the horses, loading their saddlebags with gold, silver, and copper coins. It totaled out to be 16 gold, 75 silver, and 54 copper. Blackscales had always had a problem with keeping track of money, mostly memorizing what something would cost and how much of one coin another equaled so he was talking with the elf about it.

            Icksazro shook his head after another terrible guess before replying, “100 copper equals one silver. 100 silver equals one gold. The average human makes about 16 gold a year, if you don’t include expenses and buying food, shelter, and clothing.”

            “Why are you giving us so much money then?” Autumn asked as she took a gold coin out of one of her saddlebags.

            Icksazro shrugged before replying, “In case you need to buy weapons, armor, more horses, absolutely anything you can come across.”

            Blackscales looked like he was about to same something meaningful and heartfelt, but Icksazro quickly interrupted, “Do not be said about your leaving, since it was your intention long before you even arrived. I do not require long, sad good-byes, since I am sure that we will see each other again soon, simply leave and I will watch you go.”

            Feeling really awkward, Blackscales and his companions left, Inferno walking along at first until they were a bit farther along. It felt weird to the rider as he took one last look back at the elf before he disappeared in the long shadows from the trees in the early morning. Thus, the gang continued on their journey to find the Hidden Mountain pass. Once again, Blackscales found the horse riders talking among themselves, leaving him to talk to Inferno and have just the two of them conversing, but he loved it anyway.

            “I think me and Inferno are going to fly now,” Blackscales said to the other humans suddenly, since he didn’t see the point in staying there with them when he never even spoke to them.

            They all stopped and turned to watch him and the dragon, silent with awe. Inferno unfurled his large, leathery wings and suddenly leapt up into the air. He spiraled and spun, dove and climbed the sky, feeling relieved about finally being the sky, despite the fact that he had only been grounded for a few hours. They quickly lost sight of the others and the small trail that they were following, but the dragon claimed to be able to find the way back when they needed to.

            After he released all of his excitement at flying again, Inferno steadied his flight once more and flew straight forward at what seemed to be a quick speed, but was pretty leisurely to a dragon and his rider. He made a wide turn to go back to the general position of their companions.

            Blackscales kept their mind link silent while he appreciated the view, the feelings of the wind through his short, black hair, and he especially appreciated his position. He knew at that moment that he would never take being a dragon rider for granted; it was the most amazing thing anyone could experience in his opinion. He closed his eyes and spread his arms out wide, trying to feel the true expanse of his power, though he was well-ware that his power was overshadowed by that of the dragon riders of legend. Even if the tales were exaggerated a great deal, though he thought it unlikely, the riders were still far more stunning than he was.

Inferno Legacy: Valor of the Dragon (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now