Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to My Sister Linzy

      Chapter 8 

            Cody pushed the saddle out of the way just before Autumn and Avalsmokes came in, so they didn’t see it, luckily.

            “What are you doing here?” Autumn asked, showing Cody that she hadn’t come for him, like he had first thought happened.

            Cody found out he was a much better liar when he said, “I was thinking of becoming Omen’s apprentice, if I like blacksmithing, that is.”

            “Where is he then?” Autumn asked as she walked around the forge.

            “I’m working alone right now, he’s still asleep.”

            Autumn looked at him skeptically before asking in a friendly and believing tone, “What exactly are you working on?”

            That was when Cody began to freak out on the inside, and stopped lying so perfectly. In fact, he stood silent and motionless for so long, that even if he managed to make an excuse, Autumn wouldn’t believe it. And after a very short time, she seemed to realize what was going on.

            “Does it have something to do with that dragon of yours?” Autumn asked. Cody turned away and stared at the bench, knowing she wouldn’t believe him if he tried to lie, but also not being able to admit it.

            Autumn looked at him through very sad eyes before saying, “I pried too much, and it was unfair of me to ask you so many questions and try to force my way into your life. I won’t push anymore, and it’s completely up to you whether you want us to be included in your life.”

            Cody turned to her, and suddenly realized that she had never showed him the left side of her face since Inferno scratched it. Aval sat awkwardly in the corner, and seemed to be filled with forlorn hope of them becoming friends again. Then Cody remembered that Inferno had said that they had suffered enough. He also knew that Autumn could be very helpful in the near future, and she only questioned things when she wanted to be a part of them, since she never seemed to care about anything that she couldn’t become a part of.

            “Show me your face,” Cody said, completely concerned for her health at that moment.

            Autumn looked saddened and reluctant to show her scar, but happy that Cody cared if she was hurt. She turned her face towards the light, and a long gash was clearly visible from her eyebrow to her jaw, and Cody was sure it would be permanent. But he also knew that Omen was right, and the scar wouldn’t mar her beauty.

            Cody shrugged, turned back to his bench, and said, “I would be happy if you would join me and Inferno, but I want you to trust the things I tell you, and trust that I am hiding things that you should not know, and telling things that you should.”

            Autumn looked shameful for a moment, just before Aval stepped forward and spoke for the first time, “So, would you mind telling us what you’re working on? I don’t mean to be rude, but we’re still curious.”

            Cody felt confident now that he had his friends back on his side, though he was still slightly doubtful about their sudden change of heart. Nevertheless, he dragged the saddle back into their view from behind the workbench, and Autumn gasped with what he assumed was excitement.

            “A saddle…for your dragon?” Autumn asked.

            Inferno growled slightly. He had excused her for referring to him as Cody’s nameless property, but he was a little angry that she still hadn’t cared to use his name. Both Autumn and Avalsmokes started, knowing it was Inferno but surprised that he sounded so much stronger. They were also surprised since they didn’t know he was nearby.

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