Thug Passion - Chapter 3

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Weed is the best but the shit makes you hungry.

"Yo, I was at the chinese store right. The chinese lady asked me did I want a 5 dollar egg role. Fuck I look like paying 5 dollars for an egg role?" D said.

I'm not even going to lie that wasn't funny but for some reason I was dying laughing.

"I wanted some fried chicken cause you know chinese people make some bomb ass chicken. I was hella high, hungry ass shit. I was hella tight. I cussed her ass out in chinese. She wasn't trying to  give me my fucking food. She lucky I ain't cut her ass. Donkey kong cheese headed ass hoe."

My nigga Quan buss into my crib out of breath and shit.

"Yo Peach, some niggas out here looking for you. I ain't tell them where you was but they're on they way over to the main."

"Bet that's cool with me but what exactly happened."

"Them motherfuckers cornered me and the boys who was with me ran like some little bitches. The leader said you know him. He looked mixed, fresh cut with braids."

"Oh, that's homeboy he better have my money or I'm shooting his ass. But next time he does something slick fuck him up. That's the nigga I was talking bout earlier."

I got my gun, put in my waist ban, still smoking my blunt. He's not going to stop my cloud nine, nah.

"Everybody strapped up?" I looked around everybody nodded. "Bet, let's role out."


We got to the main before they did. I went into my office with my niggas, D, Quan, and my other nigga Pookie.

We were chilling smoking blunts, waiting for these clowns.

"We got to be alert. Them new niggas think they can run shit. " Pookie said. I nodded my head blowing out some smoke.

"I know homeboys name, it's Xavier, no last name. Secretive as shit. But I mean, it is wat it is. We get what we can get. " Quan said.

"Right there that's some shit. Nigga tried to punk me out in class. Flat out pulled my gun, the kid must not know." I said. A knock broke the silence. I told them to come in.

Xavier and some of his niggas came through.

"My nigga, you got my money?" I asked with a smile still smoking my blunt.

He nodded and threw it towards Pookie, he looked inside and nodded.


"There there, don't get no attitude. That's what get you killed. You want to come up in the game. You have to play nice. But not nice enough to let them fuck you over." I told him.

"Ain't nobody going to fuck me over, trust and believe that." He said.

I laughed. "Who call the shots? Cause I surely know that you don't. You're a little pawn to this game. Somebody's fucking you over."

"You don't know shit."

I laughed once again. "Thats where you're wrong. I know shit that you don't know or shit that you think I don't know."

"And vice versa." Xavier said.

"And what that might be?" I smirked.

"You gotta hit, watch your back."

Now that's that shit I be talking about. Can never have friends. Them niggas fuck you over and try get ahead of you and kill your ass. That's why I always rock with the niggas that been there with me when I was at rock bottom.

I put out my blunt and walked up to him.

"See there. That's another thing that gets you killed right there. Never tell anybody that your about to kill them. Cause they'll kill your ass before you kill them. Now homeboy, is that a threat I hear?"

"Nah, it's a fucking promise."

I laughed in his face. "Really now? Mhm, I thought we was cool homeboy." I pretended to think.
"I guess not but now don't front because of your homeboys. You're not going to do shit. You're lucky to even step foot in my fucking office, now get the fuck out my office before I put your ass in your fucking grave."

He looked at me, examining my face.

"Thanks for my money though." I kissed his cheek and see my red print lips on his cheek. I smiled. "You're mine, got it? Now you can get the fuck out." I pointed to the door and did a small wave as he walked out.

"Bitch ass." I said afterwards.

"What was that about?" D said. I gave him a confused looked.

"What do you mean? He owed me my money."

"No. we know that already." Pookie said.

"Nigga, we're talking about the  'your mine' part" Quan finished off.

"You better not be fucking with him Peaches. I'm dead ass, I'll cut his ass up. Fuck out of here with that bullshit." D said. He had some type of hidden emotion. But fuck they ganging up on me for.

"Who the fuck are you talking to like that? My nigga, double check yourself. Cause you're smelling yourself right now. You shouldn't be worrying if I'm fucking some nigga, cause I don't say shit about what you do. 'The usual, fuck some bitches, smoke, get head, count money'  fuck out of here with that shit. I don't fuck with homeboy, fuck you talking about. I was fucking with his head. Fucking dumb asses. Fuck yall. Yall better recognize. Cause I'm not that bitch. I'm that motherfucker."

I lifted my head high and my middle finger higher. And walked out my office and with them calling my name.

"Shut the fuck up. Before I pop some fucking caps in this bitch. Don't fuck with me." I yelled to them walking out the warehouse into my car.

Fuck them.


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Now y'all probably wondering why Peaches curses so much or why she acts like that. That's how Peaches is! She has a potty mouth and she knows how to use it. Don't like her character then don't read the book.

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