Thug Passion - Chapter 9

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I guess I'll just learn the hard way. From once being in this game its hard to get out. Its like it follows me everywhere I go, it even haunts me in my dreams. Pookie and Quan got out the game a while ago. Pookie left it for his wife and he gotta daughter. Quan just left the game because he was tired of always watching his back. And now its just all me. Just like I was when I first started but this time im all by myself.

Im even curious to myself why am I coming back to the streets? But I know deep down inside I have to get my revenge, no kill Jayden for gettin me locked up in the pent. I know until I do, I wont be able to live my life in peace. Thats why im laying low but still recruiting niggas.

Its time to get the glocks out.


"Yo Nip, what the fuck are you doing?"

"Cutting up, what it look like?"

"Dont fucking talk to me like that, I took ya ass off the damn streets. Be fucking grateful. Ungrateful ass. You dont suppose to fucking smoke the shit. You dumbass."

I shook my head. Nip is my nigga, he the dumbest but smartest nigga I know if it make sense. I seen him on the street, homeless nowhere to go. And it was something about him, it just made me want to be protective over him. He's only a kid 17 years old. He's like my son. I make sure no danger come to him specially now since word on the streets is that im out. And everybody know Nip fucks wit me so he would be a target.

I make sure he goes to school. Im his guardian. I make sure he got the freshes jays, the freshes clothes. I make sure he has everything he wants and he needs. His mother is a crackhead and try to sell him for some drugs and she did. But he ended up escaping and im glad I got to him before any one else did.

"Im sorry Nip, I didnt mean it like that. Im just frustrated and when Im mad I take it out on everybody."

"Its ok. I know you didnt mean it." He got and hugged me and didnt let go.

"Did I ever thank you enough for gettin me out the streets?"

I laughed. "Yeah you have." But then I stopped. "Im glad I did though."

"Me to."


"Come on, so I can take you to school."

"A nigga gotta look good."

"Gotta look good for who? You betta not be out here trying to impress these hoes. You look cute now come on."

"Aightt, aightt. Im coming."

We walked out and jumped in my bugatti.

"Damn, peach. Can I have this?" Nip said sliding his hand all over it.

"No, now you gonn wash my car wit all ya damn handprints on it." I drove off towards the school.

"But why?"

"When I feel like you have earned to get a car, I will buy you one. But until you get them grades up you aint gettin one." He sucked his teeth.

"What? You rather let me drive you to school or get on the bus. You choose."

"I dont need no damn education, just to be successful in these streets."

"Dont even consider these damn streets. Cause your not going to get involved! These streets aint nothing you want!"

"They aint nothing you want! But you still out there!"

"Because im grown and I actually have a damn purpose out in these streets.You dont! You worry about gettin ya damn education and doing something with your life. I cant cause I already fucked mines up! If I know I can prevent somebody from choosing the wrong route in life, damn sure im going to prevent it."

"You cant tell me how to live my damn life."

"Your right. But until you're living under my roof, hell yeah I can. Now have a good day at school." I pulled up and he slammed my door leaving out.

"DONT SLAM MY FUCKIN DOOR!" I yelled after him.


"Any news on your brother?"

"Right now he in Puerto Rico, building connections. But he'll be back in the next 3 days."

"Dammit Xavier, I was suppose to get his ass before he left. The sooner I get him the sooner I can get out these streets."

"I dont know why you bother to come back. Shit had changed since you left."

"Dont you think I know that? What now? You have a problem with me killing your brother?"

"Hell yeah! He's blood, what did you think?"

"Are you fucking shitting me right now? Now you have damn problem? Well guess what, its too fucking late! You know what shit you was getting in when it told you I was taking your brother out."

A new voice boomed through the room. "Take me out? I dont even think that shit is possible."

I popped my gun put and pointed it at Jayden. "Fancy meeting you here. I thought you was at Puerto Rico?"

"Well yeah but the connections was mad quicker than I thought. But if it wasnt for little Xavier here, I wouldnt be able to catch you right now."

I turned to Xavier and gave him a murderous glare when I seen him pointing a gun at me along with Jayden.

I took my other gun out and pointed it at him.

"Gah, you gotta do better. And Xavier I really cant fucking believe you right now. You fucking punk bitch!"

"Babe, you know I love you. I cant believe myself."

"Fuck you! And you and I dont give a fuck if I dont make it alive today but your ass, Jayden your ass isnt either."

"Well then I'll meet you in hell."

All shots fired. I felt myself getting hit with bullets. I knew I got Jayden ass good. I felt myself fall on the ground. Last thing I seen was Xavier over me crying.


Hey sexy peoples. How did you like this chapter?  Welp, I really don't have much to say soooo.





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