Thug Passion - 13

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"Xavier why is your bitches always coming at me all sideways?" I yelled at him.

"Yo, I don't know. I don't even fuck with bitches no more, Peaches you know that."

"Then why this nappy headed ass hoe come at me the other day talking about you. Teach your hoes respect! They shouldn't open their mouths unless I say something. Control your hoes!"

"Babe, I don't even know why your tripping, you know I don't mess with any other girl. You know you're the only one."

"Bullshit Xavier, this hoe talking about 'he's mine. you stole him from me.' Like what the hell. Was you messing with her while you left me at the hospital?"

He didn't say nothing, just hung his head. This nigga really wants a death wish.

First this nigga comes out of no where. Looking like he came out a magazine with a hair cut. Yes this nigga cut off all his hair. I'm not even going to lie he look sexy as hell but that's not the point.

"Are you serious!? You fucked that bitch?"

"Yeah I did and I'm sorry." He tried to grab me but I moved away.

"What the hell is your problem, you can't keep it in your pants? Why do you always do this shit to me?"

"Peaches, I don't mean to."

"Fuck you, you just lied in my damn face said you don't fuck with nobody else. You fucking cheated on me. Then you made me look dumb ass shit in front of that broad."

"Baby, I don't know what's going on with me. Everything is stressing me out. You got out of jail, then you in the hospital. You loosing your memory, not even remembering me."

"Fuck that, stop using that shit as an excuse. This is not about me! This about you and your bitches. You always cheating on me and I'm ready to say fuck you and this relationship."

"You always saying that shit! But you don't do nothing about it. Fuck you Peaches."

"Fuck me? No fuck you. You know what. Fuck this I'm done. Get the hell out my house."

"Baby I'm sorry, please. I didn't mean it. I don't know but I know I don't want you to leave me."

"No, you had your chance and you blew it with them bitches. When you get your shit together then you can come back."

I shut the door in his face. I still can't believe it. This nigga always have to mess everything. All he had to do was be there and don't cheat.

I just don't understand what did I do to be cheated on. I never cheated on him, I never did anything bad to him. It was always something done to me. And I'm like why me?

I got my car keys and left. I went to the park and just looked at the little kids play around with no care in the world. I remember doing the exact thing. Being little with no type of responsibility. You didn't have to worry about being judged all you had to do was make friends and enjoy your life.

But now you have to worry about that shit. You have to care, you have to be judged. If you don't care then who's going to care about your ass? If your not judged then what defines you as a person? A nobody.

I remember when I was a nobody. Foster home to foster home nobody knew who I was. But I cared what everybody else thought of me. But then I just stopped giving a fuck when I finally realized that everybody else opinion was hurting me. And I was only 10. It was weird cause at the same time I cared what people said no matter of fact I wanted to know what people said about me.

I wanted to know how they thought I was. I wanted to know their point of view, their opinion. Everybody called me the devil because when somebody said something bad about me, I went and found them and beat their ass.

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