Thug Passion - Chapter 17

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Months later

I was in the club eyeing my next victim. I was coming for his ass.

I walked over to him all seductive, biting my lips at him. He left the girl he was dancing with and met me halfway, we started dancing. I was grinding on him while his chest was on my back. I turned around and wrapped my hands around his neck and started kissing his neck.

He was gripping my ass and smacked it. I moaned in his ear.

"Mhm, your so sexy." He said to me

"How about we take this back to your place then?" I said to him.

He nodded and grabbed my hand and led me out the club. The whole time in the car we was touching and feeling on each other. We walked in his apartment and he wasted no time.

I pushed him onto the bed and started kissing his neck. He was rubbing his hands up and down my body. I took his shirt off and put his hands above his head.

"Mhm feisty, I like it."

"Then you're definitely about to like me now."

I pulled my gun from my dress and pointed it at him.

"What the fuck? Hey I'm all for the kinkiness but you're taking it to far."

"Shut the fuck up, speak when spoken to."

He put his hands up and I climbed off of him with the gun still pointed at him.

"Get the fuck up." I yelled at him and he slowly stood up.

I walked around his room eyeing his pictures. Seeing a little girl and a woman.

"Is this your daughter?" I already knew the answer to my question.

"No." Lie.

I shot his foot and he yelled out from pain.

"Lie to me again." I laughed and looked at the picture again. "She's beautiful." I looked at him.

"So I suggest you tell me everything you know and no harm will come to her or your wife."

"Mane! I don't know what you're talking about."

"I think you do." I shook my head to tell him not to say anything.

"You don't even care about your wife. You was willing to cheat on her and still is. I bet karma is getting in your ass now."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Does the name Tre Donovan ring a bell?"

" I don't even know why I'm tripping you don't even know where my daughter or wife are at." He went to move.

I shook my head. "I already know, they're in Orlando, Florida. Staying at the Dolphin Hotel, Room 322 and currently they are peacefully sleeping from a long day at Disney World."

He looked at me with wide eyes.

"How do you know?"

"I know everything, who else sent you those threats? You wanted to be cautious so you sent them away for protection or as your wife like to call it 'vacation'." I laughed. "Really pathetic."

"Mane, I don't know what you want from me!" By this time he was on his knees.

"And you told your wife to head down without you cause you had some business to take care of and you'll meet with her afterwards." I laughed. "It's a shame, you might not even step foot out this apartment let alone step a foot in Florida."

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