1 A new class

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I've always wondered how life would be if I started loving someone. The ticklish feeling of knowing that you love them. You don't want to let go, because deep down you're too afraid of losing them. Holding hands, kissing, having those adorable cuddle moments in front of the TV. I've always had a simple, boring life. No cool adventures like the science kids from the 7th grade had every day. No juicy relationship judging like the drama girls in 9th grade talked about. Just a simple life, no love stories were surrounding me as I walked through the hallway, now and then getting judgy looks from the nerds or getting teased by the bullies. This is simply my story. A story about a new school.


"Makoto". I turned around, as I was sitting on a chair at the principals office. I quickly turned around.

"That's me", I said quickly, gathering my papers in my arms into a big pile, as the principal stepped into the office.

"Mister Naegi", she said. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. As a new student, I'd be pleased to let a student from your future class to show you around".

"That would be great", I responded nicely, as I took her hand for a quick handshake. "Here are some papers from my parents, such as my earlier results from my past school years-"

"That's fine, your parents and your past schools sent me your results already, thanks", the principal responded. She smiled at me. "But I see you're a very clever boy, mister Naegi. You're the first student to ever bring your earlier test papers to this school. I'm suprised. Also, lucky for you, you've been placed in one of the most delightful classes here". I smiled.

"How's that?"

"You see, our lovely school has simply amazing ratings on each students' abolities at school work. Not everyone is lucky enough to attend here, Makoto". She laughed a little. She suddently placed her hands on the table between us, where I also had put down my test papers some minutes ago.

"I see", I said thankfully.

"Anyway, your first class will start soon", the principal said, as she stood up and opened the office door. I put my test papers into my backpack, and I nodded nicely towards her. "It's the first door to the right", she said, closing the office door. I sighed. A new school year at a completely new school. As I had seen in many different movies, there was always some struggles the first few days and weeks.

"Please welcome our brand new student, Makoto Naegi", the teacher said, as I opened the door to my new classroom. I looked around at the classroom. The walls were clean, but covered with notes, papers, school trip announcements and important assignements. There were some huge windows in the classroom, something that made me positive about my new classroom. I heard the students whisper to each other, like bees when they're flying around a juicy meal. I waved at the class, but I quickly put my hand down after realizing that no one waved or smiled back. I felt my cheeks heat up, as I awkwardly looked at my new class. I guessed there were some gum under some of the desks, as I realized that some of the girls were chewing at something, probably gum. As my eyes slowly moved around, looking at all the students, I quietly mumbled the obvious stereotypes inside my head. The obvious drama girls were at the right. The nerds and technicians, such as the baseball players, were at the left. "M-Makoto", I heard. I turned around, seeing my teacher slowly waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, yeah, sorry", I said. The class laughed a little.

"Introduce yourself, please", she said. I smiled, turning myself around.

"So, I-I'm Makoto Naegi", I mumbled, slightly blushing. "I'm new here, as you all already know-"

"We can't hear you", a boy with bright, orange hair shouted at me. He was sitting in the middle of the classroom, with his legs placed on the table. He smirked, and all the other boys started laughing, such as some other girls behind him.

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