3 The girl with no emotions

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"Hi, I'm Makoto Naegi", I finally said to her, after some awkward and awfully long amount of time staring out the windows. She didn't turn around to look at me. Instead, she took out a little notebook from out of her school uniform pocket, read something that was written, something I couldn't see from the angle I was sitting in, and she put it inside her school uniform pocket again.

"Judjing by your exeptional speech when you entered our classroom", Kirigiri suddently said with her dry and slow voice. "You're obviously nervous about your new school year. Also, your hand was shaking more than your legs". I was shocked by what she had said to me.


"I'm a detective", she spoke. "I look for specific items and mistakes, such as unusual habits and peoples' way of speaking".

"I'm confused".

"You don't have to be", she answered slowly. She finally looked at me. Her purple eyes were shining, they were actually very pretty. Kirigiri soon looked away, I was not sure why. The teacher gave us all some information about our upcoming projects and tests, and he also gave us a task that had to be done by the end of the class.

"Since you're all here, why don't you, Sayaka, give everyone one paper each, where you'll get to know what your task is and the way you're going to solve it". The teacher clapped his hands, he was obviously happy and excited. Sayaka stood up, and she walked towards the teacher, as she handed out each one of us one paper. When she came to me and Kirigiri's table, she quickly gave Kirigiri a paper, as she smiled at me. I smiled back. She gave me a paper, and I began to read the instructions of our upcoming sciene task.

"We're going to do all this?" I nearly shouted. "In one hour?" Kirigiri nodded slowly.

"If you don't want to work with me, you can admit it", she said quickly, as she went to get supplies for our science task. Again, I was shocked about what she had said to me.

"What? N-No", I said, as I grabbed her arm, making her turn around and look at me. "I", I started. "I want to work with you, ok?" Kirigiri's cheeks went from pale to rosy. I smiled. "Also, I can't possibly be better than you in science. I bet you're better than me", I said. I started laughing, but Kirigiri didn't seem to find what I had said funny. She just kept looking away, as if she tried to avoid me or something.


The teacher went around to look at our potions. He also checked everyone's chemical reactions. "I think I know we have a winner here", he said proudly, as he read something out loud from a paper he held. "With a score of 15 out of 15, the winner is Seiko Kimura". A grey haired girl, with a purple mask covering her mouth, started waving her hands a bit, before she smiled, at least that's what it looked like she was doing.

"Congrats, Seiko, you really deserved it", I said, as we all left the science room. Seiko's cheeks turned red, and I smiled nicely.

"Always doing my best, you know", Seiko answered shortly. I nodded, as I said goodbye to Seiko and our teacher. I walked out of the classroom, looking around for Sayaka or Kirigiri. But Kirigiri was like vanished. I decided that I'd rather walk to my next class than stand alone in the hallway for no reason whatsoever.

"Makoto", I heard. It was Sayaka. I smiled.

"Hey", I said, blushing a bit. "How was your class?"

"It was great", she said kindly. "How about your's?"

"It was awesome", I said happily. "Kirigiri is kind of mysterious, but she's really sweet and kind. And her science skills are amazing", I continued. This time, Sayaka remained quiet. I didn't really know what to say, as we quietly walked inside the hallway. We finally reached my locker, and I placed my books inside it. Waiting for Sayaka to finally say someting, I stood there, nervous and quietly.

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