2 Famous friends

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I met up with Aoi at the cafeteria. The room was pretty big, and the students were walking around in the cafeteria, searching for a place to sit down. I looked around in the big room, searching for Aoi's brown ponytail. I saw her waving her hand at me, from where she was sitting. I smiled at her, as I soon walked towards her table.

"Hi, Aoi", I said to her. She grinned.

"Hello there, Makoto", she responded nicely, as I sat down next to her. "Ah, there comes Sakura", I heard, when Aoi quickly turned around on the long bench she was sitting on. I looked around me, but I didn't see any girls walking around in the cafeteria, except for some people from my class.

"Hello, Asahina-san", a rather dark voice said, as a huge silhuette sat down in front of me and Aoi. I smiled nervously. "Who's this?"

"This is my new friend, Makoto Naegi", Aoi said nicely, as she started eating some sandwiches that she had taken. The person nodded slowly. "Makoto, meet Sakura, my best friend. She's not in our class, she's in another class".

"She..." was the only thing that came out of my mouth. I contined smiling my nervous and awkward smile.

"Nice to meet you, Naegi", Sakura said with her manly voice, as she, with a arm filled with muscles, stretched our her hand for a handshake. "You look confused. What's wrong?"

"Um, nothing, really", I said nervously. I quickly grabbed my food, as I started eating my salad and spaghetti.

"So what do you think about your new class, Makoto?" Aoi asked me, smiling her happy smile, as she gave me a blue, sprinkled donut. She took a huge bite of her own donut, which was pink, probably strawberry flavoured.

"It's a really nice class, I suppose", I said kindly. I looked at Sakura, who was also eating donuts, two, to be more specific. I laughed nervously.

"Any new friends, Naegi?" Sakura said quietly, as she took some bites of her second donut. I shaked my head, and I spotted Aoi's ponytail pointing a bit downwards now.

"I'm sure you'll get some soon", Aoi said, before she quickly threw some paper into a trash bag.

"How did you do that? The trash can was like", I said surprised. "At least two meters away, and you didn't even miss". Aoi grinned, and I saw Sakura's lips form a little smile, as Aoi began to explain her life as an athlete.

"Hi, Aoi", I heard. A group of boys and girls walked past our lunch table, and Aoi waved her hand at them, smiling her bright and happy smile.

"You seem kind of popular here", I stated. "You seem to know many people here".

"That's true", Aoi explained, waving her arms around her. She smiled at me. "As I already said, I'm a world famous athelete".

"I'm surprised you didn't notice that when you entered the classroom", Sakura said quietly, as she stood up. I smiled, not nervously anymore, but rather kindly. "Physics are starting soon, bye Aoi and Naegi". Aoi and I waved at her, as we saw Sakura disappear behind a corner.

"Hey, there's Kyouko, Naegi", I heard, as I turned around. Aoi was pointing at the purple haired girl, who was sitting on the other side of the cafeteria room. She was sitting all alone, but she wasn't eating. She was looking out of the window, as if she had all the time in the world to do so.

"Is she always sitting alone there?" I asked Aoi. She nodded.

"We've asked her to sit with us. Many times, to be more accurate. But she just doesn't want to sit with anyone. I wonder why", Aoi said slowly. I looked down on my hands.

"Yeah", I whispered. "Same here".


Two days had passed, we had recieved our books and everything we needed for our new semester. I was standing next to my locker, when I saw someone look at me from behind my locker door. "Makoto Naegi?" I heard. The girl who was speaking had a soft voice, and I spotted some dark blue hair from behind the locker door. I soon closed the door, revealing the girl's face from behind it.

"S-Sayaka Maizono?" I said surprised. The girl who was standing in front of me was wearing the same school uniform as everyone else, but she had a somewhat bigger bow placed on her chest, and her skirt was also somewhat more blue than everyone else's skirts. She was smiling at me, her cheeks were kind of pink-ish.

"I heard you were new, everyone's talking about you, so I came to see you", the girl said nicely. I locked my locker, as I gathered my books into my backpack. I placed it on my back, and we started walking towards the science classroom together.

"That's right, hehe", I said nervously. She smiled. "But how are you attending to this school?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have talent", I said nervously.

"Well yeah", she said playful. "But it doesn't mean that I can't go to this school". I laughed kindly.

"I guess not", I said, but her answer didn't make me any less confused. "Do you have science, too?"

"I have", Sayaka said kindly. "I saw your science books". I smiled.

"B-But how? I mean, we're not even in the same class..."

"I'm not sure how your old school was, but here we have other rules and assignements", Sayaka said. "I can help you if you want".

"That's fine, thanks", I said kindly. I opened the door for Sayaka, as we both went inside to the science room. Some of the students were already there, but I didn't see Aoi or Sakura, probably because they either didn't have science as one of their subjects, or they had science later on. I suppose, because of their sport background, that they didn't have science at all this semester.

"Everyone, please take a seat. The class will begin in two minutes", a tall man, our science teacher, said. He was standing next to the blackboard, and some of the science students wrote down what he was writing on the blackboard. Me and Sayaka took a seat, she actually wanted to sit next to me. Some of the science students turned around and said hi to Sayaka, so I decided to take some notes before the class started. "Is everyone here?" the teacher said, as someone suddently opened the door. It was Kirigiri. She closed the door behind her, as she went to sit down as far away from the rest of us as possible, without a single word said. The teacher smiled nervously. "I suppose we'll start our class, then". He coughed. "I'll set you up in pairs, and you're going to be working with te same partner the rest of this semester. Of course we'll have small group projects, so don't worry, if you don't end up with your best friend or something, you'll most likely have a presentation with them". The class sighed.

"Who will sit together?" The teacher turned around, seeing Kirigiri with her arm raised. Her gloves were still on.

"I have already decided who will sit together. Now, is anyone here ill or anything?" No one from the class raised their hands. "Well then. I suppose we're all here". He smiled. "Now, I'll say the pairs out loud, and I'll show you where the pairs will sit". He smiled again.

"Oo, I really hope we'll sit together, Makoto", Sayaka said, blushing. I suddently felt a special ticklish feeling inside my stomach, and I felt my cheeks heat up. How could the world's most famous idol want to sit with me? We had met under five minutes ago. Sayaka turned around to say hi to some of her friends, and I looked at Kirigiri. She sat on her chair so peacefully, I wondered why she had science, too. The teacher started shouting names, such as a certain Seiko Kimura and Nagito Komaeda.

"Makoto Naegi", the teacher said, and I stood up, smiling at Sayaka. "You will be sitting with Kyouko Kirigiri". My stomach got twisted. Kyouko? Kirigiri? She was actually going to be my partner? I turned around and saw a disappointed Sayaka behind me, as I walked towards me and Kirigiri's science desk. Her hair was long and purple, and she didn't say anything when I sat down next to her. I smiled, but she didn't answer. Every time I saw Kirigiri, she kind of gave me this mysterious vibe. She had defensed me a few days ago, and she had also looked at me, which I saw from the window's reflection. Although she hadn't said a word to me from when I entered the classroom, I still had a feeling that she was someone I'd get to know better after some weeks. "Time passes by and brings surprised I guess", I thought, as I placed my books next to her's.

Writer's note: I don't have muh to say about this. I still hope you liked it, though.

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