7 New, sudden, twisted feeling

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I felt the comforting smell of Kirigiri's blueberry perfume when she stood up, stretching her arms a bit. Although it was cold, raining actually, being around Kirigiri made me feel nice. Espacially when we made our promise about getting to know each other better, considering what Aoi had said about her looking at me during our classes together. I stood up, too, as I smiled at Kirigiri. For the first time in my life, I saw Kirigiri smile back. Her smile wasn't big and bright, as those movie stars on the catwalk. Her smile was rather warming, and I felt my heart beat faster as I looked at her smile. Seeing Sayaka form her lips into a smile was nice and very cute, she was popular because of her smile and way of singing and dancing. But seeing Kirigiri smile, made me feel different. But what was I thinking? She was only a friend of mine, right?

"Let's go home or something", I suggested, and Kirigiri nodded. Her cheeks were still red, but it was definetly not that cold outside that her cheeks would get that red. "Where do you live, if I may ask?" Kirigiri told me that she lived on the other side of the city, but not as far away from the school as I did. Her father was the only one she lived with, but she also had fun times with one of the friends of her father. His name was Koichi Kizakura. Not only had she lived on the countryside when she was little, but she seemed to have lived at many places. We were five houses away from my house, so I decided to say something to her. With shaking hands and a nervous voice, I said what I had wanted to say to her for many days.

"Look, I know you may not be interested and all", I said, rubbing my cold hands together to warm myself. Kirigiri looked at me with curious eyes. "But", I said nervously. "Would you like to come to my house sometimes? I mean like after school?" Kirigiri looked down at her glove covered hand, closing it. She sighed.

"Naegi-kun", she began, but I interrupted her.

"No, no", I said. "I get it, really. It's ok, I'm fine. I'm totally fine". But Kirigiri shaked her head, as if I got it all wrong.

"I'd love to", Kirigiri said. Her voice wasn't as dry as it used to anymore. She blushed and I felt my face turning red again.

"Cool", I said. "Glad you accepted it". Kirigiri slightly smiled, and I suddently felt the will to turn around and hug her tightly. I don't really know why, or even why that feeling hit me so hard and so suddently. How did that feeling even start, anyway? But why was I even worrying about that? We reached my house, and I smiled nervously at Kirigiri, who gave my scarf back to me. I gladly took it back, and I waved behind me to say goodbye to her.

"I guess I have to go. My mom gets really worried if I'm not back in time", I said nervously. "But it was really nice of you to... walk here with me..." Kirigiri nodded, and I smiled. "I'll see you on Monday, then", I said to her and she nodded again, but slower this time. I waved, opened my door and stepped inside my house. Closing the door behind me, made me feel kind of weird. A ticklish feeling of both dizzyness and happiness. A feeling that was undescribable and different from anything I had felt ever before. I felt my stomach turn around for a moment, before I sat down on the floor, right next to the door. I hang up my scarf, still in the weird sitting position in the hallway. Should I turn around and say goodbye again? Or shouldn't I? Is she gone now? The ticklish feeling didn't stop, not even when I walked into the kitchen, grabbing some cereal and milk. It was like it was stuck inside me. What was happening to me? I looked at the door, still feeling weird and dizzy. No. Stop thinking about it. But I quickly shaked my head. Without thinking anymore, I quickly rushed outside, opening the door and running towards her. Kirigiri had walked quite a long distance for such a short amount of time, I almost didn't find her in the cold autumn rain. The rain wasn't as "calm" and "relaxing" as it was when I went inside. The sky had turned somewhat darker, and raindrops fell down my hair. I finally reached her. Her hair was wet and kind of curly, due to the cold rain. The only thing I heard was the sound of rain getting louder, the small breezes blowing around me and the cars' wheels hitting the road and making an annoying sound. I walked closer towards her. Raised my finger, but. But I didn't manage to touch her shoulder. It was as if I was scared for her to not even turn around. But why? I sighed for myself. I wanted to walk to her and talk. But still, I felt like it would be wrong. She'd probably be annoyed. Before I turned around, I looked at her purple hair fall down her back, as she with long steps disappeared behind the house corners. I sighed again. When I turned around to go home, I felt stupidity and lameness. Why didn't I say anything to her? Why did I just walk away like I wasn't even going to talk to her? Why didn't I manage to poke her shoulder and... say that I like her...

Writer's note: Wow, this is such a bad chapter and I really apoligise for that. I apologise for making him interested in Kirigiri so fast, but he was obviously hinting to it. Although there's still much to the story to happen, so don't think that they're going to marry each other in the next chapter, wow. I had to erase three parts from this chapter, due to their stupidity and extremely bad writing, so I had to fix the different parts to make it sound ok enough. See you soon, then.

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