6 One meeting and one date

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I met up with Sayaka early Saturday morning, believing that Aoi and Sakura were those kinds of people who stood up earlier than others. I had texted them both about our meeting, and Aoi was very happy to hear that I had a girl with me, although I said it would be a surprise for her who I asked out. Sayaka stood in front of my house, she was wearing unusually pretty clothes, despite that it was nothing more than a Saturday morning. I smiled when I saw her, and we walked towards the café together, although it became quite awkward. I still had a deep and bad feeling about Kirigiri, as if I. As if I missed her. "Have you been much in town?" Sayaka asked me, when we walked across the many streets in the town.

"Not much, since my family moved here a couple of months ago", I explained. Sayaka nodded, as if she knew how it was to move around, not living on the same place for very long.

"How was your last school?" she continued asking. I said that it was a smaller school, dedicated to those who were living in the busier part of the city. She seemed pretty interested, although I had the feeling that she was a bit too interested. No one I had ever talked to, had shown that much interest towards my old school and old house. We finally reached the café, and I felt pretty happy when I saw Aoi's bright and happy face in the window. She waved her hand at me, but she didn't seem to notice Sayaka, maybe because she was walking kind of behind me. Sakura was also there, but since the window glass was covered with big letters and a poster about the week's pumpkin coffee, I didn't quite see much through the glass, other than her white hair. I also saw my own reflection, and I was surprised how messy my hair looked. I opened the door for me and Sayaka, and we walked inside.

"I'm so glad to see you, Makoto", Aoi said cheerfully, as I sat down in front of her. Sayaka looked around at the bakery, probably searching for what to eat and drink. "So, who's the lucky girl?" she asked me, she was obviously excited about hearing the result.

"It's Sayaka", I said. Instead of getting happier, Aoi's face kind of went from excited to confused. She turned around, looking behind me. She turned around again.

"Sayaka?" she replied. "G-Great".

"It doesn't sound like you're being that happy, Aoi. You sounded happier in our chat yesterday". Aoi smiled awkwardly.

"Sure", she replied slowly. "But I kind of thought you asked another girl out. You know, Kyouko-chan?" I was about to place my scarf on the chair, and I almost lost my grip on it.

"Kirigiri-san?" I said surprised. "Why?"

"You two have been hanging out pretty much lately", she said nervously.

"How do you know?" I said confused.

"Asahina-san has been following you around", Sakura mumbled. Aoi was shocked.

"No, I haven't", she said, obviously lying. "Sakura-chan", she said, punching Sakura playfully on her arm. Sakura laughed a little.

"It's ok", I said nervously. "But why should I ask out Kirigiri-san?"

"She totally likes you, Makoto", Aoi explained. Sakura just sat there, looking at Aoi desperately explaining why I should've asked out Kirigiri instead of Sayaka.

"Likes me?" I said, my cheeks were suddently starting to heat up. "I-I don't think s-so".

"You're blushing, Makoto", Aoi said, blinking. I was about to complain playfully, when Sayaka sat down next to me. The redness suddently disappeared from my face, and I smiled at Sayaka, as she placed her jacket on the chair.

"Hi, you must be Aoi Asahina and Sakura Oogami", Sayaka said, as she smiled at them. Aoi nodded nervously. Sakura didn't move.

"That's us, alright", Aoi said. She didn't sound as happy as usual. I could feel the awkwardness fill the air, and I was happy when Sakura suggested that we could go get something to eat and drink.

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