To Your Standards

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     The next morning the same routine as the last few days happened again. Get ready for the day, eat breakfast, train. But today when I got done with training today I had to go and talk to the Gamma of the Royal Pack. He is leaving today and I had to inform him of some things. But besides that the beginning of my day was pretty basic.

     After talking to the gamma I got bored and decided that I should go and hang out with Jackson. "Hey Jackson." I say plopping down next to him on the couch. The T.V. is on in the background and he is working on some paper work. He looks up at me and his lips turn up into a slight smile before he turns back to his work. "Hey Snowy."

"Is there any work that I can help you with here?" I ask him. I never like it when he has to much work. It tends to stress him out and he gets grumpy. Which is far off from his usual happy self.

"Actually the King sent some paperwork for you to do." He shuffles through the papers on the coffee table before he comes up with a peach colored folder packed with papers.

"Oh, gee. Just what I wanted to sign more papers." I say sarcastically. I honestly don't care that much, I know that this is part of my job, and if you do it while listening to music it isn't to bad. "I feel you Snowy." I hear Jackson sigh out.

     Jackson is taking up all of the coffee table with his papers, so I decide to go find a desk or table for me. The dining room is closest, so I walk there and sit down in my usual seat. I take out my phone and set it on shuffle before I start looking at all the papers in front of me. Ugh, where to start?

     About an hour later I hear the banging of footsteps walking my way. I then smell my mate. I look up, rubbing my eyes, hoping to wake up a little. "Hey, Alpha Caden." I say groggily.

    "Anna." He says nodding in my direction. Barely acknowledging me. My wolf growls at the prospect of her mate ignoring her, but I push her to the back of my mind. No longer in the mood to deal with this mate thing. Most of these papers have been about the rouge attacks. It turns out not only are they happening here, but at the Royal pack and many other packs. As future Queen and current top warrior, my father wants me to work with a couple other warriors and him to come up with a plan. But that seems close to impossible as no one is able to capture the rouges or see any patterns in their attacks.

     "What's wrong?" Caden most see the worry on my face because he is suddenly standing behind me trying to see the papers. "Um, it's the rouge attacks my fath - the King has sent me papers and would like me to come up with a plan."

     "The King wants you to fight the rouges?" He asks, suddenly sounding enraged. "Does this mean you must leave?"

     "I may have to leave depending on if the rouge attacks become more frequent or if they start to become stronger." I tell him, piling up my paperwork that I have yet to finish and standing up from the chair. Caden's face shows a hint of sadness before he quickly puts back on his blank mask showing no emotion. "I- I mean River will be truly devastated if you leave."

     I am starting to become annoyed of how he claims he doesn't feel anything for me and doesn't care if I leave. "River will get over it, and I'm sure you will be able to find a better mate. Probably one who is in higher ranking, maybe a beta. Or is that still not to your standards?" I ask, with every word my tone went up a little, showing that I was getting annoyed.

     "What are you talking about?" He asks confused before I see his eyes come to the conclusion. "Oh your talking about the...when I... Never mind." He huffs out before leaving the room. I roll my eyes at him. I still don't understand why you would judge someone based off their ranking. If this is the kind of lives people lead, I'm not sure I want to rule them if all they care about is status.

A/N: I am so sorry that I haven't updated for a very long time. Just for that I will be publishing this chapter and another after today. Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting.

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