The Gardens

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     We have finished dinner now and people have split off talking in their own small groups. I get bored easily with small conversations like these so I grab Caden's hand and pull him out the back door to the gardens while he remains silent, only giving me a small questioning look. It's dark outside and the light breeze blows past moving a few pieces of my hair around. "This has been one of my favorite places since I was little," I tell Caden. 

     Caden nods and looks around in wonder. "I can see why, it's beautiful out here, almost as beau..." But I cut him off before he can say anything else. 

     "You better not be about to say something cheesy." I tell him while smiling and he smiles back. "Of course I'm not, what are you talking about?" He replies. 

     "Come on this is my favorite part over here," I say while pulling him towards the back of the gardens, where there is just a wide open spot of grass closer to the trees of the forest.

     "This is where I used to come all the time to just forget about everything. At night its especially better." I lay down and look up at the stars while Caden continues to stand up over me. I pat the spot beside me and he gets the message and lays down next to me. 

     "You have been awfully quite Caden, is everything alright?" I ask him starting to get worried after laying here for almost half an hour with my talking occasionally and him only nodding his head a few times. 

     "I don't want you to come back to my pack with me." He blurts out. 

     "Excuse me?" I say slightly hurt, is he rejecting me again? 

     "I have been thinking about this and the risks of you getting hurt are too high, plus you are the future queen I can't take you away from what you were born to do." He explains. 

     "That is exactly what you are doing though if you stop me from going. Not only am I the future queen but I am the top warrior. I know how to handle and protect myself and your pack. Why else do you think I am going?" I say to him, there is no way I am letting him stop me from doing something I was assigned to do in order to protect a pack. 

     "I still don't think it's right if you come. We are mates and I need to do all I can to protect you." He tells me. 

     "Listen. When we are talking about this we aren't mates anymore. It's something I was assigned and something I need to do in order to protect my people and you can't stop me from doing it." I  say starting to let my anger show a little but I quickly remember my training and pull it back. 

     Much calmer now I reply back to him. "Now, if you will excuse me I should get off to bed. I have a very important meeting tomorrow morning and so do you." I stand up and nod my head to him, "Goodnight." 

A/N: Hey everyone I am sorry I haven't been updating but my family is in the process of moving so I have been a little busy. Anyways how have you guys summer vacations been? I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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