Rachel's POV
I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, it's Signe. "Sean told me what happened." She says. I try to hold it in, but I just start to cry. She hugs me. "Hey, don't cry! You're at PAX! And your eyes will get all puffy." She pulls away and looks at me. "Don't let this ruin your day, let's just keep moving on." She says to me. I nod and wipe the tears out of my eyes. "Issy!" Olivia says, she says 'Issy' instead of 'Sissy.' She reaches her tiny arms out to me. I smile and grab her to hold her. Sean walks over to me. "Rachel look, im sorry I was a little too harsh." He says. I just nod and we hug.
Later that evening.
I get a text, it's from Miles.
M: look I'm sorry, you must be in big trouble now and it's all my fault.. I'm really really sorry.
R: No it's okay.. we worked it out, it's not your fault.
M: look Rachel, I really like you.. but I feel like to make it easier on you I won't talk to you.. If your dad doesn't like it then it can't happen.. I'm sorry.
My heart sank for a second
R: No Miles, it's not that he doesn't approve it's just I don't think he was expecting it.. it can work I promise.
M: I'll talk to you later Rachel..I put down my phone. We're all out at dinner right now. Why does it have to be this way? It seems like everything is trying to pull as apart right now. Everyone's laughing and talking and I'm just sitting quietly. Today didn't go how I was expecting it too.
"I'm going to go get some fresh air."
I get up from the table and walk outside. As soon as I get outside I bump into someone.. of course. Guess who it is? It's Miles.. of course. He looks at me, he knows who I am. "Sorry." He says quickly and keeps walking. He just acted like we've never met. My heart feels broken.. I feel like he hates me. I just sit down on the curb. All I really want to do is cry, but I can't.. not right now at least. Everyone walks outside, like they're ready to leave.Back at the hotel
It sounds like I'm just a stupid child, 'I love him' I'm only 16. I know it's stupid but I truly do, it's almost scary in a way. I keep texting him, but he won't respond. I just lay in bed, I feel horrible about the day. Tomorrow is Sean's panel.. maybe he'll be there.. I don't know I'm not sure.
Next day, Jack's Panel
Sean's POV
Rachel has been extremely down today. I've been trying to cheer her up but nothing's working. I can't focus on that though, I have a panel to do. I walk out on the stage, everyone cheers. "Hi!" I say and laugh a little. "How is everyone today?" Everyone cheers. "Alright well let's get right to the questions!" I say. Everything was going normal, until I see one person. They looked really familiar. "I feel like this is the only time to ask you this, but I think it's the right thing to do. Could I date your daughter Rachel?" He asks. Everyone in the crowd Oo's. My cheeks turn bright red. This is the kid that was making out with Rachel! I don't even know how him and Rachel even met. "Can we talk after the panel please?" I say kind of awkwardly. He nods and goes to sit back down. I look to find Rachel, too she how she reacted. I see her, in the front row, her cheeks were bright red. We finish the panel. I catch the kid and go up to him. "Follow me." I say. He does as I say. I bring him to an area where nobody really is. "What's your name?" I ask. "Miles." I nod. "Well Miles you have some guts." I say. "But where did you and Rachel even meet?" I ask. "It was on the plane ride here." He says. I nod. "I'm really sorry for lashing out the way I did.. I was just freaked out.. I didn't really know what was going on." I say. I can tell he looks a little guilty. "I'm really sorry for that, I just-" He keeps going on. "No need to continue, I know." I say. "But long distance relationships are hard.. I mean I'm saying that from my own experience." I say.. and yeah they are hard.. they can break your heart sometimes. He nods. "But kid, if you really do like Rachel.. then yeah you can date her.. I know, every kid at 16 wants a girlfriend or whatever.. so I'm giving you that. You can date her." His eyes light up. He hugs me. I just awkwardly pat his back. I never thought that I'd be granting a kid's permission to date my 16 year old daughter at 31.
End of chapter. Thanks so much for reading! Boi!