3. Sadie

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"Flight 777, is ready to board." The monotonic voice echoes against the glass walls. My ticket says my seat is 56B, the very last person to board. While I wait, I think about my grandparents. Their loving eyes and comforting smile forever instilled in my mind. Grans had dark brown hair (like me) and green eyes (unlike me). A catch, as Pops would say. But, the last time I saw her, her skin was wrinkled and her hair snow white. The only thing keeping her happy was Pops. I'm glad they left together. Otherwise, I don't think they could live without each other. I do find it odd that they both happened to die on the same day; I assume they must've ate something gone bad. But, I envied their love. They were a match made in heaven and the type of love that seemed to blossom more every day. Their absence hasn't quite set in yet. 
I look around and the waiting area has almost cleared out. The large plane is completely transparent and has the United Provinces' emblem printed in the center, two vertical, blue and white stripes with a single red star in the middle, just like how it is engraved on every government owned property.
Once I find my seat, the belt wraps itself around me, adjusting to my body mass and stature. The seat begins to analyze my body temperature and adjusts to make my experience perfect. There is one person, a male, sitting on my left side. I have never been one to talk for sport; it's unnecessary since I will never see them again. The robotic voice announces we are about to take off. I always get anxious on this part. I shift uncomfortably and accidentally bump elbows with the stranger next to me. I begin to apologize but suddenly I'm looking at an ocean. No. Two oceans. But a warped before and after. Not like the acidic, brown oceans there are now. They're like the enchanting ones I've seen in ancient books. One eye the color of the sea after a storm, clear, serene, beautiful. The other, is a deeper, darker shade. The ocean during a storm, raging with passion. Two opposite scenes have never looked so compelling.
The engines vibrations jerk me back to reality. I look away, and swallow uncomfortably. I should be mourning my grandparents, but instead I feel his presence like a weight on my mind, unable to think about anything else. 

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