7. Sadie

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All my life, the scientists were my heroes, but after meeting Aiden, I don't know what to think anymore. He is already gone out the door. I'm alone and don't know anyone, and I'm not sure of anything. What if he's wrong? What if he's right? I get up in frustration and run out the door. He's not here. I run down the hall and turn the corner, but someone grabs me. I scream and begin to punch. My arm throbs in protest. I forgot about my wrist.
"I knew you'd come." I look up and it's Aiden. He is smiling again, but has his hand clamped over my mouth.
"If you keep screaming, we'll never get out of here." I roll my eyes.
The sight of him eases my pain and calms me down. I tug his salty hand off my mouth and we go. We move together to find the exit.
"Do you remember how you got in here?" He doesn't say it, but I know it's on me whether or not we get out of here. The hospital is huge. It has seventy floors and hundreds of hallways. All I remember is where the elevator is. So that's where we go. I lead the way, our footsteps not making a sound on the blue carpet. A doctor turns our way and we quickly turn our backs against the wall. The sudden movement makes Aiden flinch. His wounds must not be fully healed, but still, we move forward. There are injured passengers from the plane wandering the floor we're on, still crying at their near death experience. The sight of them makes me shiver, reliving the memories.
When we're finally at the elevator, Aiden and I keep our heads down to keep the security cameras from getting our face. Elevators are so common now, that the hospital is equipped with at least a hundred. The elevator is empty when it arrives. We quickly move in and wait. I punch the ground level button and it begins to move. The walls are a dull blue and is an average size. Aiden and I are on opposite sides of it. His black hair is tousled from the plane.   I take a step closer to him and ask, "Why don't you trust them?" I have to look up to meet his eyes.
"Why do you trust them?" Answer a question with a question. He doesn't want to tell me. How am supposed to believe anything he says? All of a sudden it hits me. I'm running away from a hospital with a boy I just met. I want to turn back but the door opens. I put my head down and notice a pair of shiny, brown shoes. They look familiar. I look up to see the face of the person. Dr. Elias. Aiden sucks in a breath, but moves in front of me.
"Were you on your way out?" Dr. Elias says with a smirk.
Aiden raises his chin. "Yes. We are actually in a rush for-"
"-my grandparents funeral." I finish.
At that, Aiden looks back at me with an expression I can't read, but he quickly turns back to Elias.
"Ah, well, I'm sorry for your loss, Sadie. I'll see you two very soon." He turns on his heel and leaves the lobby. He just leaves.
"Well that was easy." Aiden says.
"You call that dangerous?" I say shaking my head.
"Do you remember the last sentence he said?" He doesn't give me time to answer.
"He said we'll see him soon. So just wait, and I'm sure in no time you'll understand what I meant." He says it in an oddly pleasant tone. He starts to leave. "Where are you going?"
"Has anyone ever told you, you ask too many questions?" The tip of his mouth quirks up.
"You never answered."
"Fine. I'm going to Northern California."
"So am I."
"Good for you."
"You know, you won't make it on your own. Broken rib, and all."
"Actually, they gave me TransMarrow, so now it's on the mend." Okay. I don't even know why I tried, but he doesn't want to go. I attempt to cross my arms with the sling and go out the door.
"Wait." I look back and he's standing in front of the South California Hospital door.
"You saved my life, so I guess I owe you one." Despite everything, I smile.
"Come on."

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